Somewhere between the first date and the wedding ring

Valentines Day gift idea

Valentines Day gift idea

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10 Responses to Somewhere between the first date and the wedding ring

  1. Weston says:

    Could make the inevitable breakup a little more awkward though! Haha

    • Oleg Volk says:

      I gave small arms as gifts to more than one of my girlfriends. One of them got a rifle precisely because I wouldn’t be around anymore and she’d have to take care of her own safety. Then again, my breakups tend to be amicable.

      • Weston says:

        I’m married now, so hopefully I don’t have to worry about breakups, but if you’re going to have them, amicably sounds the way to go 😉

        Unfortunately, my wife doesn’t seem at all interested in shooting, but she tolerates my shooting hobby without complaint. Probably the most I can hope for!

  2. Andrew says:

    That’s a nice Valentine!

  3. "lee n. field" says:

    Happy Valentine’s Day.

    Does it really come in that pink box?

  4. Eric Oppen says:

    I once gave a girl a Fairbairn-Sykes dagger, and later on, a twelve-gauge pump shotgun.

  5. Bryan S. says:

    In my state (PA) the gift end is a bit more complicated. not being able to privately sell a handgun takes the gifting of one to a more transaction level.

    Also, cant say I like picking out another person’s firearm, as its my opinion that revolvers make for poor first handguns. (And given my wife’s kidnapping of my LCP and occasionally Glock 22… her comments on both back me up)

  6. Wolfie says:

    Oleg..that a .357?

    • Oleg Volk says:

      The barrel markings indicate .38Spl — it’s a very lightweight gun, so .357 would kick too much anyway.

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