Oleg and Dixie

(photo by Brock Townsend)

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6 Responses to Oleg and Dixie

  1. Randy Sanders says:

    With all due respect, is this your daughter, or your wife? Either way, you are a lucky man.

  2. IIRC Dixie is one of Brock’s daughters.


    • Sean says:

      # 5? how many kids you got brock?

      • That’s it except for three that were miscarried. Can’t look forward to anymore 5/6 year old girls, the ones who always love Daddy. 🙁

        When my third daughter Bonnie was about that age, she overheard grownups in another room wondering about the answer to some question, so she promptly match in and stated “Ask Daddy, he knows everything!” And indeed we do to a six year old.:)

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