
A wolverine is 6% of grizzly body weight with 200% of the attitude.

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6 Responses to Wolverine

  1. Bear says:


    How’d you get the wolverine* to take the tranquilizers?

    * Another critter I admire. From a distance.

  2. Raptor says:

    … and a Kalashnikov. Don’t forget about the Kalashnikov. 😉

  3. Paul Koning says:

    Fantastic photo, this one and the coyote.

  4. SPEMack says:

    Nice pictures, Oleg. I shall refrain from the mandatory “WOLVERINES!” joke.

  5. Scott says:

    That’s 200% of grizzly attitude when the wolverine is asleep! Awake, well, wolverines chase bears and wolfpacks off of kills. For you African natives, the ratel (honey badger) is the close cousin.

    Beautiful pic, Oleg. And that’s as close as I want to get to a wolverine, thanks.

  6. Wirecutter says:

    Saw one once. In 45 years of tramping the woods, I’ve seen one 0nce.

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