Strange Networked Blogs messages.

Just got a message asking to request blog ownership confirmation from friends. I recall that was done back when I first syndicated the blog, but why now? Any ideas?

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3 Responses to Strange Networked Blogs messages.

  1. Weston Moss says:

    I hate to even mention this but, could it be someone is “challenging” your ownership of the blog somehow? The dude who jacked TheHighRoad?

  2. Kristophr says:

    Yea, someone may be trying to re-direct various association type blog links to a spam site, or a rival.

  3. Paul Koning says:

    I would assume this is “spearphishing”. Whenever you see odd messages like that, if you want to do more than just ignore them, examine “full headers”, or better yet “message source”. (What precisely that’s called depends on the mail program.)

    You may find that the source address was forged. Or you may find a link in the message which actually points to someplace different from what the overt text implies. If you see either of these, the sender is a criminal trying to scam you.

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