Much of the political process can be likened to auto-immune disorders: segments of the body politic hijacking the defensive organs of the society, such as police, to attack other elements of the body. In that way, a small and relatively weak group can dominate or exterminate larger groups in the competition for resources.
In the ideal society, that resource competition (socialism) is replaced with comparative advantage cooperation (capitalism). But that ideal society has no need of commissars, and that hurts the feelings of those sense of self-worth is predicated on being in control of others.
“But that ideal society has no need of commissars, and that hurts the feelings of those sense of self-worth is predicated on being in control of others.”
Quite so. That statement operates in all political disasters, right down to petty crime. It’s the reason why Salieri hated Mozart, and it’s why the Scribes and the Pharisees conspired to get rid of Jesus.