Category Archives: rkba

If a knight was like a tank…

…a heavy musket was like an RPG. It didn’t give a guarantee of a win, but required armor to get so heavy as to be physically nonviable and prohibitively expensive. A real musketeer would have had a sword or a … Continue reading

Posted in rifle, rkba, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

…and the dog returns to its vomit: Germany and its Nazi legacy.

My friend Miggy made me aware of an interesting development: a court rules the members of the least socialist of the German political parties may not own guns. A friend who is a member of that party commented: Long story: … Continue reading

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No pushover.

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The motive of your enemy is not relevant to the choice of remedy.

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Movies claim that good guys would feel bad about killing evil-doers…

…but that’s utter BS. St.George didn’t take to drink after slaying the dragon. Neither did Bard the Bowman, the archer who slew Smaug. And I am quite sure that every man who shot down a Soviet or Russian helicopter with … Continue reading

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Musings on the occasion of October 7, 2023.

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The will is critical.

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Know “why” is as important as knowing “how”.

Incidentally, the rifle shown is the perfect configuration for left-handed shooters. Completely ambidextrous Sig M400 SDI lower is combined with the left-ejecting Pro 2A Tactical upper. The result is a tac driver that’s also sound suppressor-friendly.

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Life skills.

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Heinlein was right.

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It’s all fun and games until people who didn’t want to be involved are forced to participate. Then it’s game over for the original participants.

Posted in interesting people, rkba, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

There’s no cavalry to the rescue.

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“No civilian needs…”

A common statement from the fans of government monopoly on force is: “no civilian needs such weapons”, with “such weapons” being whatever they are trying to ban. Let’s look at this statement more closely. The Secret Service staff are civilians. … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, rkba, self-defense, weapon | 2 Comments

Bio-political musings

Much of the political process can be likened to auto-immune disorders: segments of the body politic hijacking the defensive organs of the society, such as police, to attack other elements of the body. In that way, a small and relatively … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, rkba | Tagged | 1 Comment

The problem with socialism

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Vicious enforcement of arbitrary laws.

The utterly illogical and pointless nature of the US gun laws can be illustrated with this simple example. Let’s take a gun owner who has an AR15 rifle. Since barrels are available in different lengths, the owner pays a $200 … Continue reading

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Present danger in Washington state

Posted in rifle, rkba, weapon | 4 Comments

Technology isn’t the devil.

Until 1994, any teen in America could buy a 30-round magazine, in person or by mail. From 1957 to 1968, they could buy an AR15 to go with it, mail order if they so wished. After 1968, they would have … Continue reading

Posted in ammunition, rifle, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , , | 6 Comments

Individual or collective?

The difference between individual rights and collective responsibility may be illustrated with this example: imagine a group of half-dozen people which includes you. Every person in that group has a basic table utensils, a spoon, a knife and a fork. … Continue reading

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A good friend, a long-time American by choice, wrote this excellent essay. I post and propagate it because my friend cannot without dire consequences to self and family from state authorities acting as employers, educators and officious busibodies. It’s sad … Continue reading

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