Category Archives: beast

Border conflict among grackles.

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Out fishing.

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Chapa updates

Chapa has grown into a very people-friendly cat. He spends hours daily getting petted. Unlike Gremlin, he’s very unfond of dogs.

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Chapa, the new kitten.

After Gremlin died, I felt widowed. A few weeks later, a model from eight years ago reached out to me to offer “Drifter”, a little abandoned kitten found by her friend and bottle-fed by Kirsten.

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My cat’s self-image.

My psycho furbie Gremlin thinks he’s the top creature of the neighborhood. Occasionally, reality bites him as a reminder of other opinions.

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A new Boxer Uprising?

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A girl and her dog

  You’ve seen Natasha and Humphrey kissing before, now more about them. Humphrey is a pretty cool dog. Natasha is pretty cool herself, and incredibly fit…

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The cats of yesteryear

Two furbies from 2007.

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Tender is the kiss

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Death next door

Found deer remains on the property adjacent to mine. Not sure if it was hit by a car or taken down by coyotes, more likely the former. The 45mph road is only 10 yards away. No extra holes in the … Continue reading

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A pretty calico kitty

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Tasty sleeve

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A boy and his dog

“Inside every old man is a little boy, wondering what happened…”

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In America, even lizards are into rifles.

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Three eyes instead of two.

I am trying to visualize a flying species with three eyes instead of two. My guess is that it would improve altitude perception as well as depth. Does anyone know of research of theoretical functionality of three eyes?

Posted in advice requested, beast, book | Tagged | 9 Comments

What’s better?

Imagine a farm animal, like a steer, that only exists because it was bred and raised to be slaughtered for meat and leather. Is it better (by whatever definition of “better” you have) for it to have lived or to … Continue reading

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Baby Gremlin

Photo from 2007.

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A better photo of the same owl.

The photo was taken around 1130am, yet required ISO1250 due to the low light area where the owl was located.

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Earlier today, I was doing photos of boots and shotguns with a friend. Ran across turkeys, at least three pairs of toms and hens. They were not too worried and grazed within 20-30 yards of us. I took a few … Continue reading

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