Tag Archives: woman

A new face

This entire photoshoot was done with a single lens, Sony GM 70-200/2.8. At 24MP, the sharpness difference between it and the primes is negligible, while the flexibility of almost 3x zoom and image stabilization proved extremely useful. It was also … Continue reading

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Keeping cool in the South

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Racquet practice.

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Enjoying spring weather

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A toss of the hair

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No war before coffee.

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Catching up on gun handling and marksmanship

Posted in interesting people, rifle, training, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Vintage visions.

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More portraits.

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Straw hat

Incidentally, this is the model from the cover of Gods Defense book.

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“You can’t fight the City Hall!” Perhaps, but…

The state, be it the USSR, the Third Reich, The Peoples Republic of Trashcanistan, or the United State of America, can generally defeat a lone dissenter. The only difference between the dissenter being armed or not is the amount of … Continue reading

Posted in pistol, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , , | 18 Comments

Five years apart

Tonight. Five years ago, to the day.

Posted in interesting people, rifle | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

For long walks under the moon…

…bring a companion. Jericho PSL 9mm compact.

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A girl and her dog

  You’ve seen Natasha and Humphrey kissing before, now more about them. Humphrey is a pretty cool dog. Natasha is pretty cool herself, and incredibly fit…

Posted in beast, interesting people, pet | Tagged , | 3 Comments

Restraining order enforcement

“We can’t be simultaneous bodyguards to all of our friends. Even if we could, that would set up an unhealthy dependency on you. Teaching your friends to defend themselves makes them safer and more independent.”

Posted in pistol, training, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


This image should show up as the thumbnail on the puritan social media sites like Facebook. Click on the link to see my photo. I don’t feel like losing access to FB until a more useful general social network develops.

Posted in nude, portrait | Tagged , | 6 Comments

Maintain eye contact. Don’t look down!

Posted in pistol, weapon | Tagged , , , | 6 Comments

Why not both?

I keep seeing comments along the lines of: “Instead of telling women to carry guns, teach men not to rape.” Why should the two measures be exclusive of each other? The same applies to self-defense at home: 911 on the … Continue reading

Posted in ammunition, rifle, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

That’s crazy talk!

Blaming the sane and the law-abiding for crimes of the crazy and the criminal is a pretty good indication of a mental disorder. Should such people even be holding public offices?

Posted in civil rights, rifle, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , | 1 Comment