Category Archives: nude

Two to Tango.

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Putting a new camera though its paces.

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Enjoying spring weather

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A toss of the hair

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Halloween is coming!

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12 weeks pregnant

An early term maternity photo made for a friend.

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New edits of old photos.

Back in 2009, I edited one image from a shoot because its strangeness appealed to me. This week, I edited two more conventional photos because I learned more about editing and could do a better job than before. Photos like these … Continue reading

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Happy girl

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This image should show up as the thumbnail on the puritan social media sites like Facebook. Click on the link to see my photo. I don’t feel like losing access to FB until a more useful general social network develops.

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50th birthday photos (NSFW)

I was impressed by both the attitude and the physical shape. This is a woman who’s raised kids and had enough self-discipline to work out to the point of being more fit than most youngsters.

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And speaking of less mainstream images

My Plausible Deniability has new entries.

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How fetishes form (NSFW)

This gentleman, a Swiss officer in charge of marksmanship training, endured some friendly ribbing about the short rifle he brought to the even dominated by long-barreled Sig 550s. In the US, short barrels are restricted and so get attention. In … Continue reading

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Another photography blog

Mostly images of people, might be of interest to some of my readers.

Posted in camera and lens, interesting people, nude | Tagged | 1 Comment

“You can’t post this because it has a blocked link”

Just got this message while inside Facebook chat. This was the image they blocked. With that, FB just got a little too creepy and nanny statist for me. So, a request for my friends: please use other means of reaching me … Continue reading

Posted in dangerous, nude | 13 Comments

Hard work in the blazing sun.

From a recent photo shoot in Florida. The actual model is Kim, with suntan lotion in hand. Kara was her adviser for the day.

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Out-takes from a photo shoot

These were done around the main shoot for Cosplay Deviants.

Posted in interesting people, nude | 5 Comments

Dissimilar moods

Somber… And much less somber…

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Photographer at work (NSFW)

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Applying make-up (nsfw)

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Canon T90 with 17mm lens. (nsfw)

(Photo of T90 with 50mm lens by Mark Probst) My first “serious” SLR camera after coming to the US was the awful T-60, an unreliable and vibration-prone entry level camera. I opted for it over used AE1 and similar bodies … Continue reading

Posted in camera and lens, humor, interesting people, nude | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments