Tag Archives: redhead

Keeping cool in the South

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A toss of the hair

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Short fuse.

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For long walks under the moon…

…bring a companion. Jericho PSL 9mm compact.

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Sig ammunition is pretty good.

It’s one of the few brand extension based on new research rather than badge engineering.  

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“Shifting Ice”, a prequel to “Gods Defense” is now public.

Amie Gibbons has a new novella out, a tale of a feline shape-shifter. As usual, a bit of gunplay and libertarian mindset are in evidence, along with sexy, smart-ass characters and a well thought out world with just a bit … Continue reading

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Maria Butina

One of the faces of the Russian effort to improve their legal gun rights. While Maria prefers to get by on ability and multiple competencies, i don’t mind noting that she is also photogenic. Interview with Maria and the associated … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, interesting people, pistol, rifle, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , | 8 Comments

Just a pretty woman

I haven’t posted fun photos in a while. Her personality and character are bigger than life, and she’s equipped with a biting sense of humor, a high-speed brain, and wears one of JMB’s finest creations. I wonder how many guys … Continue reading

Posted in interesting people | Tagged , , , , , | 16 Comments

Orange cat named Lucy

Read the name from the collar. Aren’t high-resolution cameras great? Oh, and this is a 50% crop.

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What’s more scary?

A smiling redhead? Or the clip-fed 9mm revolver, the favorite fodder of pulp novel writers of the 1970s, in her hand? Photo for Kangaroo Carry.  

Posted in holster, pistol, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , | 18 Comments

Much orange

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Redhead with a KSG

Posted in shotgun, weapon | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Can your rifle be accurately aimed one-handed?

Rogue | Vortex scope and red dot | X14 drum

Posted in rifle, weapon | Tagged , , , , | 9 Comments

Peace, love and tight groups.

Saw Gibbs 1903-A4 sniper repro at the NRA show, watched the informative video review and decided I wanted to play with it. The rifle that showed up looks great, has very nice wood and comes with a really neat scope. … Continue reading

Posted in rifle | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Does it make my FAL look fat?

Posted in ammunition, humor, rifle | Tagged , , , , | 7 Comments

This long cat isn’t very long (nsfw)

This one isn’t as long as usual, but it comes with an attentive attendant.

Posted in beast, humor, interesting people, nude, pet | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Another one of Lucky Gunner employees

From the Memorial Day shoot in Knoxville with Lucky Gunner.

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Brian Barbarossa

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