A new face

This entire photoshoot was done with a single lens, Sony GM 70-200/2.8. At 24MP, the sharpness difference between it and the primes is negligible, while the flexibility of almost 3x zoom and image stabilization proved extremely useful. It was also good to be able to get closer cropping without me falling into the pool on the way to the model.

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…and the dog returns to its vomit: Germany and its Nazi legacy.

My friend Miggy made me aware of an interesting development: a court rules the members of the least socialist of the German political parties may not own guns. A friend who is a member of that party commented:

Long story: biased judge who obviously hates afd issued a verdict that violates several laws and ignores other court verdicts of higher laws​. I know the affected couple​: the guy is retired gsg9. He was a collector, target shooter and hunter. His wife was a collector and target shooter. They will sue to the next court​. I haven’t read his verdict but​ read one issued by the same judge against another afd guy​. You can’t deem a person unreliable only because he or she is ​a member of group x​. ​German gun law states that each case has to be looked into individually​. Party member x said xenophob​ic things​,​ member y didn​’t​: person x might be unreliable, while person y will be ok​. This judge just ignored that​. Its called “sippenhaft” or collective punishment​. Its the same shit the nazis and communists did​.

​Your brother did bad stuff? ​Tough luck, we will punish you too​, because you are related​. Basic foundation of law states that you can only be held reliable for your OWN actions​.
​These people didn’t do anything wrong or criminal​, their only crime is “thought crime” or party membership​. Hopefully​,  this verdict will, get revoked by a higher court​. Other, higher courts decided correctly that you can’t be held accountable in collective guilt fashion. I guess the next higher court will rule the same, but it costs a lot of money, and the people still have to give up their property. The affected couple probably has a financial loss of 100.000€.

He clarified that the decision affects only the couple in question rather than all members of afd, but the precedent is not good.

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Meeting in person after 15 years

I met Layla through helping VCDL in 2009. It took her until 2024 to stop by with family in tow.

Winchester 44Mag lever action firing 44Special.
Ruger Vaquero in 45Colt

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Subsonic 300blk

At 1/3200s, the long 220gr plated bullet is slow enough to render with minimal distortion.
QD mount allows a little gas to leak out of the back of the sound suppressor.
220gr plated bullets loaded to about 1050fps
My friend Bill with his deer rifle.
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Massad Ayoob

Mas back in 2019.

His web site.

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Keeping cool in the South

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Coaches and learners

Showing use of cover.

Patriot Training

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Racquet practice.

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Tripping into the pool.

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Flinty eyed.

1799 dueling pistol.
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Two to Tango.

Model’s mate on the set makes for a more comfortable model.
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Putting a new camera though its paces.

While two-handed swords presume appropriate plate armor, Abigail practices stage combat dressed a little less heavily for extra mobility…and better heat endurance on a hot and humid afternoon.
Sony A9mk3 auto focus proved accurate even with wide open lens aperture and erratic subject motion.
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The persistent fire of Hanukkah.

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Cute hat

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Vintage girl.

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These photos were taken to test high-speed flash synch with Sony A9mk3 global shutter. Based on the results, I bought the camera.

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Musician Nozomi.

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My favorite parents.

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Renaissance Festival faces.

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