Category Archives: Uncategorized

…and the dog returns to its vomit: Germany and its Nazi legacy.

My friend Miggy made me aware of an interesting development: a court rules the members of the least socialist of the German political parties may not own guns. A friend who is a member of that party commented: Long story: … Continue reading

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Racquet practice.

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Morning on vacation.

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Father and daughter, both badass

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Friendly nature

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Jolly or stern?

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Missing images in posts

An emergency server migration required switching to a different type of gallery software. That broke all links to external images. They are being fixed as time allows.

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Angel Kim in Nashville.

Posted in interesting people, pistol, portrait, rifle, sound suppressor, Uncategorized, weapon | 1 Comment

The origins of violence.

The propensity to unwarranted violence is independent of available tools. Violence prevention should focus on the motives for violence more than on the tools, for we have seen no method by which the evil can be reliably disarmed without affecting … Continue reading

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“Legal” does not equal “moral”.

Laws take effect on certain dates. So we all agree that something is going to be legal after the date X, but still arrest and prosecute people for doing that exact thing on date X-1. Laws have nothing to do … Continue reading

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Vintage style

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Florida sights

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Parisian details.

From my 2018 Eurotrip.

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Green dress

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Catching up on gun handling and marksmanship

Posted in interesting people, rifle, training, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Gas and particle flow around guns shows the value of good eye protection.

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Victoria and Nate

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A modesty device

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Defensive weapon for the infirm.

Rimfire pistols are seldom the answer to defensive needs, but they fit one niche well. The defender in this case is an 86-year-old woman who lives alone. Her hand and arm strength are minimal, so full-weight handguns are not in … Continue reading

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1x Prism Scopes: new on CTD Blog

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