Tag Archives: bird

Border conflict among grackles.

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Out fishing.

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A refugee from Thanksgiving

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Blue Heron

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A better photo of the same owl.

The photo was taken around 1130am, yet required ISO1250 due to the low light area where the owl was located.

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Earlier today, I was doing photos of boots and shotguns with a friend. Ran across turkeys, at least three pairs of toms and hens. They were not too worried and grazed within 20-30 yards of us. I took a few … Continue reading

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What kind of bird was this?

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Various birds

Not sure what species this is.   Blue Heron? Seen from afar.    

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A horse and a bird to make guessing easier

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What kind of chicken is this?

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Pigeons are everywhere in Prague.

So are the spikes designed to keep them off ledges and heads of sculptures. His hair is standing up on end at the very thought of having a flying rat land on the head.

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American White Ibis

This bird lives on Kel-Tec factory grounds, along with numerous other birds, turtles and (until recently) an alligator.

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Birds of Las Vegas

Both photos were taken with 135/2, so the birds were pretty tame.

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Another emu

Ever since my famous emu photo taken back around 1999, I’ve tried to improve on it. Since I am no longer crazy enough to do such pictures with a wide angle lens held just inches from the bird, the results … Continue reading

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A strutting turkey

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Pink flamingo

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