Thieves who steal.

Had to file two DMCA take-down notices on Brady Campaign today. They used two of my photos without permission and with libelous statements attached. Not very surprising…

Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. We have removed or disabled access to the third-party or user-generated content you have reported to us for violating our Statement of Rights & Responsibilities. (Facebook)

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37 Responses to Thieves who steal.

  1. Dantheserene says:

    Of all the organizations that might “borrow” your images!
    Which images did they steal? I have to go to sleep soon, so I can’t look at their webpage because sleeping through the red haze of rage is difficult.

  2. Mike B says:

    Just goes to show you that a person can take even the shittiest of laws and find a way to use them for good. 🙂

  3. the_grey_rider says:

    What photos were they!?

  4. Tango says:

    What really makes me mad… is that they don’t honor hardly any DMCA takedowns they get served.

  5. AzHamMedic says:

    Sue them into oblivion!

  6. Scott Johnson says:

    What did they say about the pics?

  7. Kristopher says:

    Anonymous: Do you have some copyright violations at The High road to point us to?

    Was this stolen content from elsewhere, or simply a disgruntled poster who didn’t read the terms of service for the forum?

  8. Break it off in them Oleg! Take them for all they are worth!

  9. jdberger says:

    Hmmm…I’ll have to paying more attention to the images that the antis use. This might be fun.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Oleg is currently removing any comments relating to his own flagrant disregard of the DMCA.

    I wonder why?

  11. Tango says:

    Anonymous, put up or shut up.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Tango, I guess you missed the screenshot showing that comments are being censored. In russia, history rewrites you!

    • Tango says:

      You showed a screenshot of him removing a troll comment. It’s his blog. You accused him of violating IP law, now put up or shut up.

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  14. James says:

    Removing slanderous comments that have no proof is not censorship, its keeping his blog clean of useless crap.
    The fact that you can offer both no proof, and you want to hide who you are tells everyone all they need to know.

  15. Tirno says:

    Start your own blog, Anonymous. The fact that you’re not welcome to make unfounded, anonymous accusations in Oleg’s comment thread is a matter of good taste on Oleg’s part. Even MikeBsomenumber has better behavior, and he can’t tell the difference between true and false. I’d expect you last couple comments to also be removed, as they are unsubstantiative blather.

  16. Oleg,
    Can you provide a link to the uses? I have friends who won’t believe it without the links.

  17. Phil Ward says:

    Nice to see the DMCA being put to good use for a change!

  18. Kyle says:

    Anonymous = Brady boy

  19. Seth says:

    Oleg, the DMCA protects their hosting provider (and the notices should be served on that hosting provider, e.g. Facebook). The actual publisher of the copyright violations (e.g. the Brady Campaign) is not protected by the DMCA and should be sued into oblivion or at least pay you statutory damages.

    • Oleg Volk says:

      We’ll see what the FB response is. Suing them would be a distraction from other time-sensitive work.

      • Dave says:

        Ordinarily I’d be inclined to agree, but for the chance to take resources directly from the enemy and convert them to our use, it might be worth it to make a stand.

        • Tango says:

          I can’t agree with you. For the industry as a whole, absolutely! For an individual that has to put bacon on the table, I could never say it’s worth it. Only that person can decide.

  20. Lyle says:

    “They used two of my photos without permission and with libelous statements attached. “

    What else could one expect from an anti rights organization?

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  22. Jerry says:

    Following the incorporation of the [[2nd Amendment]] in the Supreme Court decision [[McDonald vs. Chicago]], and the resulting acknowledgement of the right to keep and bear arms as a “fundamental right” of US citizens, the Brady Campaign subsequently met the definition of a [[hate group]] due to their stated opposition against an established civil right.

    Pretty funny thing they keep removing from their Wikipedia page. Rather relevant.

  23. Steelheart says:

    I just waded through all the pic albums on their FB page that can be accessed without LIKEing them (I have limits). I didn’t see any of Oleg’s work so FB must have actually followed through.

    Put me down as another vote to sue them. Couldn’t you just send your lawyer after them and not have to spend much of your own time and energy?

    Now I REALLY need a shower and some comfort food before I head into work.


  24. Erik says:

    Sue the heck out of them Oleg!!!!

  25. Poot says:

    Hey Anonymous (aka Brady Caca-Troll), before you start talking about
    “comments being removed”…….the Brady’s remove EVERY SINGLE comment on their FaceBook page that have even the slightest hint of Pro-Gun Rights to them.
    They also block anyone who does so. They also disallow comments and ratings on their Youtube videos. The Brady’s KNOW they’d get clobbered for their lies, blunders and now, content theft. Just like 2A Rights, they choose to also try to snuff out and limit 1A Rights.

    Go back under your Troll Bridge where you came from and shut your yap!

  26. Ralph says:

    I’ll second Poot’s comment. But it doesn’t stop with just the Bradys. The “Coalition to Stop Gun Violence” also censors, deletes, and bans anyone that says anything in opposition to their propaganda. One woman, named Elizabeth, even complained about people on the Facebook page, “Brady Banned Me From Their Campaign”, because they posted names and comments from antigun pages. The antigunners love stifling peoples comments, but scream like hell when they think someone did it to them. Some antis have even turned to posting and then deleting their own posts so that they can claim that pro 2A people are censoring their comments. Lastly, when you do have an opportunity to post on an antigun site, you’re called a troll, while they whine and cry about how pro 2A people are invading their space. A case in point is the “Gun Fight” facebook page that is essentially owned by pro 2A people because the antis ran away when faced with the truth. That worked so well that we went to the Facebook page “Tell State Representatives: NO GUNS on Texas College Campuses” and now we own that one also. So antis are some funny and strange people who love to stroke each others egos, kiss each others booboos when they think their feelings are hurt by second amendment advocates, and hide behind the cyber walls of their webpages to avoid debate, all the while publicly proclaiming how they want dialogue with the NRA. It’s kind of pathetic really.

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