M6 as a survival rifle confuses me. .410 is hardly an effective shotgun round, while .22LR is efficient but the rifle comes with primitive sights and a rather odd trigger. Switching from rimfire to centerfire is somewhat awkward, so the defensive utility of this gun is limited. The trigger guard is too small for use with gloves. The entire gun is all-steel, so it is relatively heavy and would get cold in winter.
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Отличная штука, но коллиматор – ИМХО, перебор.
Всё-таки – это складная железная хреновина для выживания, дополнительные прицельные на ней – излишество, да и тугой клавишный спуск не позволит реализовать все возможности прицела…
PS Олег, вы в своё время писали (и фотографировали) о прицелах на длинноствол = короткая планка со световозвращающими мушкой и целиком – я не вспомню, к сожалению, название – они где-то продаются?
Мне кажется, что наооборот — если всего один патрон с медленной перезарядкой, то точность боя необходима. А то палить в белый свет как в копеечку будут, а ни дичь не сбить, ни врага не остановить.
Вот не соглашусь, извините.
Охота с одностволкой – это как у чукчей: выцеливаешь дооооолго и тщаааательно.
У тебя только один патрон.
Это осознаёшь очень быстро, ей-Богу.
За ссылку спасибо, но, похоже, на АКМоид это не установить…
Планку с стекловолокновым прицелом нет, а вот коллиматор можно: http://www.midwestindustriesinc.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=category.display&category_id=421
Не уверен я в надёжности крепления – да и задача другая: иметь “близкий” прицел помимо “дальней” оптики – и чтоб бюджетно.
Будем думать, в общем.
Всё давно изобретено – Ruger 10/22 со складным прикладом легче, удобнее и значительно точнее. Приклад можно из рамочного превратить в контейнерный с помощью такой-то мамы, духовки, ножниц и листочка кидекса. Это, кстати, не помешает ему складываться. Набить туда кучу патронов в плоских кассетках из резины или пластика мягкого – видел такие, пять штук влезает в каждую. Можно и пилку проволочную туда сунуть, и пару зажигалок (со спичками я завязал).
А .410, мне кажется, нужен только в картечном варианте, к револьверищу. На страх врагу.
I have one of these, and it’s really not heavy at all. It’s certainly no heavier than any other 22/410, and I can fire it just fine in gloves (but in Texas, my thickest pair of gloves are fairly thin).
I think the best things I like about it are the ammo storage in the stock, and if you remove the pin it breaks down into something that fits into a small backpack easily. I think I could survive in the woods with it just fine for awhile.
I like the Rossi break action rifles
It would be great if SA would re-introduce this little rifle. I would like to have one but it will be a cold day in hell when I pay $2000 for a used M6 on Gunbroker. Those people are just crazy! It is a $200 tool, not a $2000 collectible. Those idiots better get their lips off the bong before the brain damage becomes permanent.
A complete as-factory kit in case, in .22 Hornet?
That is a collectible.
(You want a $200 tool, get an AR-7.)
Oleg: The AF issue M6 didn’t have the trigger guard, according to what I can find; it was added for the civilian market, as near as I can tell, probably for liability reasons. And it can naturally be removed if one really wants it gone…
The original M-6 as issued in aircrew survival kits was designed to fit in the “butt boat” seat pack survival kit when folded.
It was intended for taking small game and signaling. It was never intended as a defensive arm (aircrews carried .38 Cal revolvers, when issued, for defensive use).
The original rifle did not have a trigger guard. The trigger was designed to be used with heavy gloves/mittens, or with injured hands, including laying it across a rock or log and leaning on to it to compress the trigger if that’s all you could do.
I’m not sure how long they were issued, but they were not standard equipment in USAF survival kits in the 80’s (At least not in large aircraft with no ejection seats, not sure what might have been in the ejection seat kits)
Hope this gives you some perspective into why it is the way it is.
The M6 Scout is a great little critter gitter. It was never supposed to be a defensive weapon. I take mine afield every year, and have great success with it. It is light enough to carry on long trips, and does an adequate job. It is neither a great rifle, or a great shotgun, but it does well enough. I have taken dove, quail, pheasant, squirrel, rabbit, raccoon, and opossum with mine. It seriously puts game in the pot.
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My M6 is a constant companion in my truck. It goes to elk camp every year and never fails to provide a grouse or three for the pot.
The original USAF M-6 was also a centerfire, .22 Hornet. I sat on many of them in my B52 Navigator and Bombardier days, about 3500 hours worth of sitting, to be exact, but I never got to shoot one, even in survival school.
I did manage to qualify Expert with the Model 10 snubby, though. In ‘Nam, we carried the Model 10 in our survival vests, along with 50 extra rounds, which were either M41 ball (worthless) or a tracer round (would eat least fry the gook if you hit him).
A better weapon was the pen-gun signalling device with it’s GyroJet flare. It attained 1100 fps in 6 feet, was about 50 caliber or bigger, and would burn all the way through the enemy. Reloading was slow, so it was a one-shot deal. It was fairly quiet though, and made only a “snap” as the primer detonated the rocket motor. We got to actually fire those.
HEY!! That’s my gun! I’m happy to see that it made the trip back east safely, along with my favorite T-Crate driver. I can tell it’s my M6, because if you look closely at the rear sight blade, right under the V-notch, you can see the horizontal line of the tritium insert in the rear sight. There’s one under the peep of the rifle sight also, just out of sight in that photo. And, of course, the front sight to complete the set. I don’t know if any other M6’s have a set of 3 night sights. Oleg, she sure looks nice with that Primary Arms sight on it. BTW, it usually lives in Alaska with me, works fine in the cold, and has put more that a few ptarmigan in the pot, especially on moose hunts. You do need a bigger gun for the moose though!
У меня eст Stevens .22LR/.410ga. Эта винтовка принадлежит к моя дедушка. Он покупает в 1941.
(Back to English. My Russian is very rusty.)
He was a farmer in SW Nebraska and he kept it in pickup truck in case there was a problem with coyotes. When he passed away, my dad took it. And when my dad passed away, I took it. Looks like this one: http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae171/jroberts11/PIC_0066.jpg
Looks like a Savage 24V. I used to carry one of those in my airplane for survival purposed in 20Ga/.223. Now I have the M6 in the picture above.
The combination-gun concept is valid, but personally I would rather have a Savage 24. Preferably in .223/20 ga., with some .22LR adapters for the rifle barrel.
Pingback: M6 Survival Rifle: When Gun Porn Goes Bad | The Truth About Guns
The Gunny and Beaumont beat me too it, but the Savage 24 in almost any model would be a very “pc” alternative to the m6. Wood stock makes it appear harmless. I have the 24-P .22wmr over 20g and its my go anywhere gun.
Pingback: In Support Of The M6 Survival Rifle | Two Is One, One Is None
I’m with you Oleg. I never understood it either. I’d prefer a marlin papoose any day of the week, imo. Still its a neat gun and a part of history