AWB2013 — what have you done about it?
Have you at least called your representatives? Won’t do enough by itself but can’t be left out as an important component of the overall fight.
AWB2013 — what have you done about it?
Have you at least called your representatives? Won’t do enough by itself but can’t be left out as an important component of the overall fight.
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I wrote [emailed] my national and state representatives.
I renewed my NRA membership and joined SAF.
I will join NRA-ILA and CCRKBA [SAF]. I will call my representatives when something is up for a vote.
Emailed my rep and senators.
As I understand it, congressional aides often scan these and simply tally up as “for” or “against”. So don’t be rude, and don’t write a novel.
This is one of those situations where quantity is perhaps more important than quality.
Emailed both senators and followed up with written letters. An also spreading the word via social media.
emailed both senators, and my rep
Emailed both senators and rep. Bitched a lot. Have tried to educate friends and family, particularly those who have told me “no one really needs a semi-auto with high-capacity magazines”. Generally, they are coming from the mistaken point of view that it’s only about hunting. I agree. I am not going to take an AR-15 hunting, I have other weapons that are better suited for it. But I have to tell them that it is about more than just huting, it’s about self-defense and a hedge against tyranny. Which in some cases has boggled some minds. But then I ask them “well, wouldn’t you be pretty ticked off if the govt. was about to make serious invasions into your 4th Amendment rights? 1st Amendment rights? I’m going to fight against ANY government erosion of ANY of my Constitutional rights!”
Of course, on the other hand… why NOT take my AR hunting? (unless we are talking about the laws that specify hunting must ONLY be done by X caliber rifles or larger)
Actually an AR-15 with at least a 20-round magazine is an excellent choice for hunting feral hog, and those critters are overpopulating in just about every state.
Also good for coyotes, which are looking for your pets in all the best suburbs.
I’ve only seen one coyote around these parts. But you’re right, we have gobs of feral hog. Definitely a nuisance, not quite an epidemic. Yet.
John, I’m afraid your choice of words is perpetuating a serious misconception.
Our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America does NOT give us our rights!
We were all born with UNALIENABLE rights, which the Constitution bars the government from interfering with.
Since we were born with an UNALIENABLE right to life and liberty, that means we also possess an implied right to have the practical means to protect our life and liberty.
The primary purpose of our divinely inspired Constitution of the United States of America is to impose strict limitations on the powers of the federal government, leaving the majority of power, authority, responsibilities, privileges, and decisions in the hands of independently sovereign states and/or the people (i.e., individuals, clubs, churches, charities, et cetera).
Similarly, in LUKE 22:36, we are commanded by our Lord and Saviour, JESUS, who is the CHRIST, to be armed, and all through the Holy Bible and/or the Book of Mormon, we’re consistently urged to be our brother’s keeper.
Thus, we have a civic obligation and a sacred Christian duty to be always armed, in order to be good neighbors, to fight against evil, and prevent and/or resist tyranny.
Been writing. One senator — Shaheen — is pretty much Feinstein’s alter ego, so that’s no good. Ayotte is a lawnorder Republican who’ll vote for it if someone whispers, “It’ll stop drug crimes for the children.” House Rep. Bass is outgoing. Don’t have a contact for his replacement, Kuster — a Dem so freaking batshit insane I suspect she thinks guns really _do_ get up their own tiny legs and shoot themselves at people; very, very strange lady (her election is almost enough to make me suspect Dem Party chem warfare with hallucinogens in the water, except that Bass was so [expletive deleted] that the voters would have elected a dead badger if one had run against him).
(And just to give you an idea of how the last election went (see hallucinogen comment above), Nashua elected a state rep who is barred from running or holding office while on parole for multiple felony convictions _and_ whose very gender no knows for sure (possibly a transgendered female, but even that is in doubt)… AND he/she/it then resigned and is running in the special election to replace him/her/itself.)
I’ve written all my reps and senators, both federal and state. But with a focus on state level, as the Democrats have overwhelming control of Oregon’s government and they’ve expressed the strong desire to see this through.
Already a life member of the NRA, GOA, and JPFO…made phone calls and sent emails to representatives…buying ammo, loading magazines…
Signed up my Wife and Uncle up with the NRA, called and emailed all my Senators/Reps including Boehner (don’t live in OH) and will call and email at a minimum of twice a week going forward.
Emails and letters to Senators and Rep.
Wow, I just went and looked at that summary. All grandfathered firearms to be registered under the NFA? Yikes. That amounts to an outright ban (confiscation) in a number of states.
Mail on its way shortly, though as Bear points out, it’s not clear how much that will help in NH.
I just sent the following to my senators, and will follow up with the representative once her contact page works:
“Dear Sen. name,
I am writing to express my intense opposition to any new “gun control” bills in general, and the Feinstein bill in particular.
I will be looking for you to oppose any such bills. We already have far too many so-called “gun control” laws.
This is a “zero tolerance” issue for me. If you do not strongly oppose any and all new gun control bills, I WILL remember and I WILL vote against you in the next election. If so, it will not matter what else you have done in the meantime, or who your opponent is — fail me on this issue and you WILL be opposed.
I am urging everyone I speak to on this issue to take the same “zero tolerance” attitude.
— Paul Koning”
Assembled a point by point dismantling of Feinstein’s “proof” of the effectiveness of the 1994 AWB and shipped it off to my Senators and Representative even though I doubt they’ll read it. Sen. Toomey (R) and Rep. Barletta (R) are solid 2A guys, Sen. Casey (D) is a douchebag will do whatever is politically expedient and that likely isn’t in our favor.
Still…he got the same mailing they did just in case, he has shown some sense at times:
The Blaze has a very nice letter on the subject, written by a retired Marine.
Great job on the paper, Greg. Since I’m in PA I, too, will send this to Toomey and Casey, as well as my new Rep (Rothfus). I’m working on an “official” club response to send to the Congresscritters, too.
FWIW, if anyone wants to make more of an impact, send your email or letter to the Congresscritters office. Then actually call their D.C. office and ask to speak to someone who deals with Second Amendment issues. Be polite, make your “bullet points” but don’t feel rushed – and don’t ramble. You’ll find that you can make a good impression with the individual that often goes farther than simply sending correspondence.
I sent handwritten letters to local politicians. I just moved in November, so I don’t know if that will do any good–but as I moved from California, it certainly can’t be any less useful. I also sent money to the Second Amendment Foundation, and for good measure bought a bunch of M14 magazines.