Looking for connections in Switzerland

Please email me if you live in Switzerland of have good friends there. I may be traveling in that direction later this year and would like to meet the locals. My interest is mostly in the culture and the people.

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3 Responses to Looking for connections in Switzerland

  1. Cassie says:

    Hi Oleg,

    I’ve got a friend in Switzerland, a Seminary connection, where hospitality comes with the job description. I highly recommend him and his wife.

    Sorry I can’t email you–the link does not function currently.

    Abby Cassie

    • Oleg Volk says:

      Please use olegvolk@gmail.com address. What’s the problem with the email link? I tried it this morning and it worked for me — could you explain what happened when you clicked on it?

  2. Windy Wilson says:

    Ten years ago I stayed at a hotel owned by my brother’s coworker’s brother. Let me ask if he’s still in business or still married to the Swiss woman. We got a lot of local culture in the area south of Interlaken because of him.

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