Pink might not be “tactical” but neither is stainless…yet nobody has argued against that since the 1980s!
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The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is
Rapidly fadin’
And the first one now
Will later be last
For the times they are a-changin’.
Bob Dylan
Only thing missing is the Sanrio Hello Kitty stickers. Yes, I’m a grown man in my 60’s and a military veteran and a Life Member of the NRA, I don’t have to prove anything to anybody, and gosh durn it, I like Hello Kitty. She doesn’t judge and she’s always nice to everyone. I kinda got hooked on Japan cuteness on a business trip to Yokohama about 30+ years ago.
Actually I HAVE argued against stainless. I don’t like shiny things that can give away your position in low light.
1. Back in the day the argument against stainless was that it didn’t function as well as blued, but advances in metallurgy have fixed that.
2. I carried a stainless Detonics up until I got my Glock. Anything blued I sweated on immediately started rusting. [sigh]
Parkerizing > blued
My Parkerized 1991 started to show rust in a single day’s IWB carry in SE Virginia during the summer.
The only rust my stainless 1911 has ever shown (even when woefully neglected as to wiping it down) was on the carbon steel grip screws.
Damned shame the M1 Garand had all that stainless on it, eh? Likewise all teh military rifles with chromed bolts?
Totally non-tactical. Gecko45 and GunKid would not approve.
Whenever my 5 year old is with me in a gun shop and sees a pink gun she says “daddy you should buy that for mommy”.
She’ll be ready for her first “gun” (a BB gun) soon. She’ll probably pick a pink one.
You can get Red Riders in pink.
Cavalry Arms lowers are also dishwasher safe!
I’ve got a first model year (Rem 700) first caliber year (7mm RemMag) in stainless. Which is blued. The bluing didn’t ‘take’ well, but still….. it won’t give away your position in low light.
Stainless without some dark finish seems just tacky. Would you drive a polished-aluminum car?
That and chromed guns .. fit for hoppers, oil sheiks and people of similar ilk
I’ve never heard the “not tactical” argument against pink guns.
I’ve heard (occasionally) the “Jesus Christ, that’s stereotypical” argument against pink guns “for women” – and this from women. Equally I’ve heard “yeah, but I actually kinda like pink, so screw off”. So that’s fair.
If I won the lottery I’d buy one of those blue-and-gold-with-pink-grips Taurus PT-25*s just to show I’m very, very secure in my manhood. And because racecar.
(* I was going to link to their site, but they appear to have wisely decided against continuing production of that particular aesthetic train-wreck.)
Agreed! I don’t care if it’s “tactical” or not, unless you actually need tactical, and then it should be black/tan/whatever. Pink/red/orange/neon-freaking-green – they’re all fine for the range and for home defense.
However, I don’t know any women who like pink guns. My wife wishes for a deep plum purple or crimson red.
Well, I don’t mind a pink gun, even though I’m not a girly-girl and I’ll tell you why. My hubby is fond of grabbing whichever gun is closest for snakes in the yard, or for plinking. Next time I would go for my gun I’d have to reload it. Also, my hearing protection. Now I have special-ordered pink electronic hearing protection. He has yet to touch it. Nor will he touch a pink gun. I’m not a fan of pink, at all. But I do like my gun being where I left it and loaded the way I left it.
Pingback: Hating’ on the pink guns? | Stuff Rib
That is a very unusual AR construction. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a lower with attached stock. Makes sense though, if you’re doing it all in polymer.
That being said, that offends my aesthetic sensibilities twofold. First off, the grip and stock look rather bulbous, and the grip is far too smooth to give decent grippiness. Second, the magazine is a different shade of pink. That’s far too gauche for my standards.
Cav Arms lower. I have one in black, foliage, and coyote. Stock length is the same as the A1 (not A2) and is very comfy for most folks.
The Cav15 mkII stock isn’t that much different that the original A1 stock (you can replace the end cap with an A2 end cap if you want a trap door for storage), and if you want a better grip, the Hogue Handall slip-on grip that fits Glocks is a perfect fit. The material is fairly rough/ grippy on it’s own, though. The design shaves off weight by integrating the stock, buffer extension and grip, and provides strength to the areas which other polymer designs fail.
Tactical is how you use it, not the crap you hang on it – or what color it is.
Recently at a club .22 shoot we all watched a 9 yo girl with a pink Hello Kitty 1022 that her daddy built for her embarrass all the macho men.
I carry a SS M1911 (AMT Hardballer, actually). The finish, except for the flats on the side of the slide, is bead blasted to make it matte, and I’ve dulled the polished parts of the slide myself. It’s shows less in low light than a polished blued gun. Of course, if I pull it out at night I don’t care how it shows in the light. The loud noise it makes will give it away anyway. Here in the south it gets sweat soaked almost every day during the summer and rusting isn’t a problem. In fact, there have been times when I washed it off with a hose and put it back in the holster with no worries. I didn’t have to rush home to clean and oil it.
I have several friends with matte stainless hunting rifles and they’re less reflective in any light than polished blue.
Now that’s “tactical”. (Lord I hate that word.)
I have a number of rifles. Wood furniture, blued M1 Garand, same for the lever-action Marlin 1895g, a wood furnitured, parkerized Century AKMS, a black rubberized furniture and parkerized Mini-14 NRA edition, an AR-15 in black and parkerizing, and a recent model of the Remington 700 SPS .308 in stainless with synthetic furniture.
The Rem is for deer hunting and I’m considering painting or chemical treating to ‘dark as hell’. Because I’m not a pimp. I don’t need to alert the deer even though I haven’t taken a deer inside of 75m outside of dawn/dusk.
I’ll argue against stainless:
Tactical implies ‘tactics’.
Camouflaging is a tactic to prevent or hinder observation or notice.
Stainless is more noticeable than the majority of your surroundings.
Ergo, stainless is not tactical.
To be fair, black isn’t tactical either. White is, if you color it appropriately for the location you’re in.
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Love it! I see now the pink collapsing stock and handgrip aren’t enough- I need the pink lower, mags and forearm plus a pink rifle case. Where can I find digital pink and solid pink soft AR cases? My gunloving daughter is OK but my firearm inexperienced daughter and two granddaughters need all of this to overcome their trepidation. And if a court outcome leads to riots, a pink AR and training is better than nothing but hope.
how about green
These guys have ACU “universal camouflage pattern” (3 lies for the price of one! Just like MRE, but let’s not go there.) style nylon cases. Get some pink RIT fabric dye and a large stockpot to combine and boil them in. I’d also suggest a turkey dfrier and a space outside, as well. RIT will dye nylon at near-boiling temperatures. Don’t spill on a formica countertop or on linoleum or wood. (Boiling RIT makes Kool-aid stains look as easy as spilled marbles to remove. You’re better off replacing the surface than attempting cleanup. Don’t ask me how I know this.)
Or if you’re serious about the ‘so cute my internal organs and eyes are bleeding’, and want to spend a little money: Buy any appropriately sized rifle case and a few yards of pink digital camouflage ( ) and take them to an alteration/dress shop to be cut and sewn to the outside.
Note: I vouch for neither of these links. They were just the first ones I found with a Google search that weren’t Chinese spam sites or blatant spyware installing sites.
I do, however, agree that having an eye-bleeding rifle is better than having none, but I’d at least have a can or six of earth toned Krylon paints and/or some replacement furniture in case SHTF: No sense in working under a needless tactical disadvantage.