A client of mine has a project that needs 3D modeling and rendering of industrial products. The work revolves around images for advertising, not CAD. I know that a few of my former students have been doing this, but my contacts are several years old at this point.
So, if you do 3D modeling, rendering and animation, and would like an interesting commercial project, let me know. I’d like to see samples of work.
I had good results with Jeff Sieber, Accounts Manager;
GKS Services Corp
9401 James Avanue South, #132
Bloomington, MN 55431
Direct phone# 952-252-3418
For me they did some 3D laser scanning and rendering, which they later turned into CAD files, but as I understand they do a lot of such work for advertizing, model-building and animation also. Any way you look at it, they have to start with a point cloud, and that’s what they do, including life-size models of humans and other things.
I could give this a shot. I have several years experience using and teaching 3d software. I also worked as an artist on the MWLL project. My friend CJ Leffel referred me to this request. I also have some experience rendering files for presentation (texturing, lighting, composition, etc.)
I work 9-5 M-F, but am otherwise available. I am generally interested.
This is what the company I work for does for a living.