For those who wish to avoid gun violence in particular can always go to Burundi or Rwanda…the locals favor machetes there. Somehow, that environment doesn’t seem nearly as safe as the more firearm-friendly America.
(Make-up by Tirzah Julius)
A relevant article: Those without Swords…
Framing the problem as “gun violence” ensures that the true problems will never even be addressed.
Quick, what were the three worst mass killings since 1990?
Happy Land arson, NYC, 87 lives.
Murrah Building bombing, Oklahoma City, 168 lives.
9-11, NYC, 3,000 lives.
Not a single shot fired.
Just spent a week in the Middle Ages. Always feel safest there……(Look up Pennsic War)
We run in the same circles, Turk.
People are people, good and bad. For all people say, we got this far.
(At Michael)…Fellow SCAdian?
Impressive. Tirzah did a good job and the photo is good also.
They didn’t call it “the dark ages” for fun.
Is there a reason for the strange choice of sword grip? I realize it makes the picture easier to frame, but to anyone who’s learned to use a sword… well, its rarely the most effective way to hold a knife. Its a damn silly way to hold a cutting /slashing weapon. No force in any normal attack and a weak grip. Anyone coming at me like that would find their sword on the ground and mine at their throat in very short order.
(Don’t even get me started on Hollywood sword fights…)
Look at his face, it appears someone already tried to teach him that lesson.
Sounds about right. Knock the sword out of his hand and slash his head open. With a shield it would be even easier…
Keep in mind that he’s menacing the viewer, not an armed opponent.
Like LarryArnold said :It wasn’t called the Dark Ages for Grins & Giggles. It was a time when everyone’s life could summed up in three words —NASTY ,BRUTISH & SHORT.