Photographer at work (nsfw)

Chryseis taking photos of Evie outdoors. Her model is visible in the reflection.

Matching the model’s outfit helps with the rapport.

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14 Responses to Photographer at work (nsfw)

  1. Lanius says:

    I’ve never seen a hair down there in real life, on a woman. Around here, not shaving that part is about as accepted as not shaving legs in the US. I blame porn!

    Come to think of it, I probably had, I just don’t remember that.

    • North says:

      Interesting. “Around here” is where?

      So much beauty can be found on a woman.

    • Weer'd Beard says:

      LOL In New England Women don’t even shave their legs between September and May! Why Bother!

      • North says:

        Weer’d: I heard that some of the huskier women there braid their leg hair. Cornrow can pass for a grass skirt.

      • Flint says:

        Why bother? Because they might occasionally have their legs exposed, indoors? We usually keep the house around 75 or so, such that it’s very comfortable to get out of wet/cold clothing when you come in from outdoors.

        Not that women are required to shave, but those who choose to, often have no less reason to do so in the winter than they do in the summer.

        • Weer'd Beard says:

          Heh, well we’re cheap and flinty so the house is cool in the winter and warm in the summer.

          Also as many knows, I HATE shaving and excessive grooming…so why should I make judgement calls?

    • Sean says:

      I haven’t seen pubic hair on a woman since the late 80s.

  2. guffaw says:

    Pantsless photography! I LIKE IT!
    (Not YOU Oleg!) 🙂

  3. Turk says:

    Sir, where do you find these deliciously female looking young ladies? I am a fan of curves, and you never disappoint!!!


  4. Jason says:

    In the reflection, it looks like Chryseis is wearing pants. Or is it just me?

  5. BLADE says:

    Not sure where you’re at, but the door and trim could use a little sealer………………..

  6. Liam Burns says:

    I hope this isn’t considered spam, a friend in LA is a photographer in a long-term web project with his roommate titled “A Year Without Clothes” (nsfw). I thinks it’s beautiful, and a little bit silly and fun. But then, so are my tastes, maybe that’s why I’m a fan of Oleg.

  7. Liam Burns says:

    Sorry, the web address didn’t go through.

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