While notch and post sights work reasonably well with young eyes and select-fire weapons, aperture sights are usually preferred for semi-auto rifles. In the AK world, that includes Valemt, Galil and the new Russian AK12. Tech Sights and Texas Weapon Systems both make receiver cover replacements with integrated sights. Both nearly double the sight radius, making it longer than on an M4 carbine.
Some people think that better sights on AK rifles is a waste of effort. Do a simple test: if you can shoot more accurately with a red dot or a scope than with iron sights, then the stock sights are a limiting factor in accuracy.
Whats the pistol in the top photo with the wood grips?
This gentleman looks like he has attended an Appleseed. đŸ™‚
I originally intended the photos for an Appleseed promotion!
I actually find I shoot worse with an aperture site… just cant seem to get it to work for me. I still like the “dogleg” style AK site and mount, just wish I could find one for an M70 style receiver.
And I dont know why people say you cant shoot an AK accurately, I can keep mine in a 4″ circle at 100 yds offhand without a problem.
Same here , I can keep decent groups all day long with the ak and sks. I don’t get why people say they can’t hit anything with them. “yes ar platform is much tighter” but I would rather have an ak any day.
I attended an Appleseed event a few weeks ago.I have a ruger 10/22, but didn’t use it, since it had the stock sithgs, which are a pain to sight in with. Great for plinking, once set for 25-50 yards, but not for target work.So on the hunch left it home and brought my Garand and m1 carbine.After shooting all weekend, and seeing what it’s about, I went after setting up my 10/22 for it..#1 thing needed is a Garand style web sling.The course is designed around it, since the entire course is the AQT, designed around the Garand modified from the original Qual for the 03a3 bolt action rifle.So,Need to change to 1.25 sling swivel. I used a fixed swivel on on the butt since the garand sling has a slip on/off clasp for the standard sling swivels. I bought a 1.25 quick discount for the front. I already had a 1 QD up there, so I already had the band lug for it. This makes it easier to sling and unsling from the rifle between shoots. With my Garand, the front part of the sling is fixed, so I had to keep taking the sling loop off my bicep, put it back on and readjust. Have the front QD, means, leaving the sling hanging from your arm.You can do a hasty sling or a full arm loop sling hold with the garand web sling, and you can get them for about $10 at e-gunparts.com and elsewhere.Cotton is best, nylon ok with long sleeves.And the Garand web sling is probably one of the easiest to adjust with it’s quick lock.#2, Tech Sights must have . Far FAR, FAR, better than the stock sithgs. Very close to the Garand sithgs, but still nothing beats the Garand’s rear sight.To me the Tech sithgs are like the mini14 sight, but I have to admit, the Tech Sights are better than the stock mini14 sithgs.I found them easy to do. I made a brass bunch from some brass rod I bought locally, and the front sight came right out. Need to drive from the left side of the barrel.Then in no particular order -extended mag release, since mine is almost 30 years old. The new ones from ruger and aftermarket are far better than the original recessed mag release, which is almost counter intuitive. If your meaty finger is a bit to forward you block the mag from dropping.-after market cnc ejector with better spring, since one jam can mean you wont qualify. Cheap insurance, great tune up part, very easy to do.-Auto bolt release, it makes it like how the service rifles work. Pull back and let go after inserting the mag, and your in battery. I have always hated the bolt lock on the 10/22.-synthetic bolt stop,cheap, easy, and makes it nicer. no more clanking .Trigger job seems like a nice to have but should be able to qualify without it , I would think. But the better the trigger, less influence on the shot, better the scores . If you get a chance to do an Appleseed event, it’s a must do. Great people.. great course.
No replacement cover for my arsenal SAM-7 oh well.
They did finally make a barrel shroud adapter thingy for those of us with bull barrels, and I like the new rear sights that go into the scope holes. I ordered one for one of my 10/22s that I’ll be bringing as a backup to the Appleseed at Porcupine Freedom Festival in June.
I will also be at the Porcupine Freedom Festival. You are welcome to come by and chat. My wife was the Appleseed Shoot Boss for some of the previous Appleseed events that occurred up there during the Fest. We may bring up some loaner rifles. We settled on Marlin 795s with stocks cut yo various lengths and various types of sites, some with Tech Sites. We have 5 of them. Inexpensive and accurate out of the box.
Where will you be coming from? I live in NH but I did not come as part of the Free State Project. I got here in 1979.
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