This has long been my favorite recreational rifle. With AAC Aviator suppressor on the long barrel, it’s very quiet. 4x Leupold scope allows pretty good aim from up close to about 100 yards. But it has one giant disadvantage for teaching new shooters — it’s long and heavy. With the suppressor attached, it doesn’t even fit any of my cases. Few kids can fire it even from supported positions.
Enter Savage MKII FV-SR, a shorter and lighter bolt action already threaded for a suppressor.
It comes with an Accu-trigger and integral scope rail, saving the effort that was necessary to get the Mossberg set up.
Gemtech Alpine suppressor comes apart for cleaning, which is good for high-volume shooting I am expecting. The flutes on the endcap are designed to be turned with a coin for a tool.
Given the role of this rifle — engaging very small targets precisely — I over-scoped it. 4-16x Primary Arms optic was picked for the close focus, down to ten yards. I am already using it on a .223 Superior Arms Varminter, so I know it would work fine with a .22LR. At 4x, it can be used off-hand, at 16x for longer ranges from a bipod. Rangefinding mil-dot reticle is calibrated at 16x.
Since I shoot paper and other inanimate things for now, subsonics work just fine for my purposes. The rifle ought to be quiet enough to dispense with wearable hearing protection entirely. This ammunition has been quite accurate in the Mossberg, giving better than 1MOA at 50 yards.
So all I need now is a handful of 10-round magazines (the rifle came with a 5-rounder) and I’ll be set for a nice day at the range. Once it is zeroed — hello again, Appleseed!
I have a Savage Mark II BV. I have been very happy with it. I imagine you will be happy with the FV.
Barring an eyesight limitation, using a scope for Appleseed always seemed kind of like cheating.
Train like you fight. If you plan to use a scope, then train with it.
I have the Mk II FVT. I didn’t like the synthetic stock, so I replaced it with a Boyd’s thumbhole. It’s a really nice rifle. I’m a fan of target irons, so I have the irons and my dad has the scoped BTVS. Both are really nice shooters. With good ammunition, we’ve been getting excellent groups.
I kinda want to be calling the line when you run that thing for an AQT.
Iowa Cadre
I had just wrapped up Shoot Bossing an Appleseed in Bedford, IN and a parent of a couple younger folks (he is a Rifleman as well) came up and asked for a minute of my time. His kids are both Riflemen and really look forward to the events and he said he appreciated the mentoring and support I had given them and he handed me a box as a token of his appreciation. It was a 30mm Burris Tactical XTR 6x-24x. It was a really extravagant gift and but he insisted. I shoot irons, sometimes I shoot a fixed 3x, and I literally didn’t have a rifle big enough for it but I think it will find its way to an Appleseed line anyway
I put it on an M14 with ProMags AAM1A stock because it was what I had but after seeing this I think it may see a Savage MKII sitting in the closet and maybe his youngest can work it over.
Good lookin rifle, Oleg. CHEAT AWAY !!!!
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I bought an FV SR not too long ago specifically as a host for my .22 Sparrow suppressor that has been sitting in my dealers safe waiting on the ATF to get their act together.
Anyhow aside from the target rifle I used in 4-H and the Jr. Olympic trials when I was in High School its absolutely one of the most accurate little rifles I’ve ever shot.
And weighing next to nothing its just a blast to play with and enjoy!
i bought a savage MKII in .22 mag a few years ago and it has become my anti rodent device of choice in short order. i put a pretty basic 3-9x32mm scope on it and it gets the job done. rabbit stew.