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The scope mount on the RDB looks flimsy. It cantilevers the scope ahead of the bases. Dropping the rifle, very likely in an armed encounter, would bend it. There is no reason for it, either. There is plenty of rail to allow a better mount to be used.
What’s the point of a scope on a carbine with a 300 M. Max range? Wouldn’t a reflex sight be better for quick engagement?
Scope gives better view of the target. Can you tell at 300m is aiming a rocket launcher or a shoulder-mounted video camera at you? Can you even see a person in camo without magnification? For a precise shot on a small exposed fraction of the target, can you hold over or under without magnification and a graduated reticle? 300m is a lot further than some people think.
Oleg I can see men in gillie suits at 300 yards! I shoot 1L pop bottles at 400 yards over iron sights . I love shooting muzzle loaders at melon’s at 300 +yards (a game my brothers and I have played since we were nine) Yes I can do all you ask and much more. Unlike many children in other parts of the world. I started shooting competition at five years old, and have been shooting ever since (+ 50 years) and come from a family where we are taught to feel ashamed if we can’t hit a pop can at 200 yards. THAT is the context of my question, I consider ANYTHING under 400 yards to be point blank range, and often forget that not everyone can hit a mail box at 600 yards over iron sights.
Your skills and your eye sight are quite uncommonly good.
THANK YOU! I ‘m not half the shot my grand father was, and my brother is better than he was. (I’ve seen him make shots that were hard to believe) When we were children he used to pick flowers for the girl he was sweet on by cutting the stems with a Stevens “Crack Shot” .22. He and I still shoot toothpicks with .22s and bet on the number of “cuts” we’ll make in the upright toothpick.
Great, bully for you, your stupendousness. So, then, you can put a reflex sight on yours. But, for the 99.999% of the population that don’t have your magnificent, wonderful, nearly supernatural eyesight and accuracy and need a little help (such as myself, as my eyes are not what they used to be) a proper magnifying optic (perhaps 1.5-4.5x) will be well received.
I have heard boasts such as Ray’s as long as I have been shooting which is over 40 years. I used to hear such occasionally in gun stores but with the advent of the internet I hear and read them far, far more. One place I never hear such boasts is on the range. Never. I spend a lot of time on the range and I know some outstanding shooters but I have never heard one of them brag about it. I sure hope someday to meet Ray on the range so I can see for myself what a great shot he is.
Tim, Knob Creek Ky. Anytime. Bring your wallet. If you prefer we can bring the Walther .22 Target rifle or go to a long range and I’ll bring my M-40a3, or my Palma rifle if you prefer irons. If you don’t have the git-go for that how about “F” class? How about antique? I have a couple of .30 cal. NM rifles. Muzzle loaders at 200 yards? I’ll bring my flintlock! Or maybe you can just tell me how good your AR-15 bushmaster carbine is and talk some more trash. You got The Chops to play for real or are you just another troll ?
Ray….please post your contact information so contact can be made with you.
“Ray” is full of the proverbial dung.
Hey super shot Ray… nevermind.
Well, the article is about Tavor and RDB. So far none of the comment was made about the gun….
I met George Kellgren the founder of Kel Tec, I interviewed with him for a job. He is a genius. I have a Kel Tec RFB and it is certainly a credible rifle.
Oleg I beg your pardon for attracting the trolls. Anybody not an internet nut job; Knob Creek Ky. is my “home range” I’m a member, try any Sat. or Monday. I’m the old guy with white hair and lots of guns & ammo cans. I love to shoot & hunt and am always up for a little friendly competition; And Bubba, Waddle right up and call me a turd and a fraud to my face…PLEASE.
A question Ray: When you shoot at mailboxes are they the kind on the city street corner, about 4 feet tall and three feet on a side? Or the kind that sit on a post in front of your neighbor’s house?
I suppose the biggest difference is that the Tavor is actually available.
True. The same was true of the AUG A3 prior to Tavor availability. A comparison between those was still useful.
I don’t care for either of their ergonomics. The Tavor has both hands very near each other. The Kel-Tec has the forend that requires super extension of the wrist. Better would be a dual pistol grip arrangement that looked like \|_____|/ with at least 8 inches between them, so you could control the rifle with your hands. The pistol grip should be conical shaped, as our little fingers are smaller than the ring finger and that is smaller than the middle finger. Of course the index finger doesn’t need to wrap around the pistol grip, rather extending to the trigger only.
You can get vertical grips that attach to picatinny rails. Granted, that would be an after-market modification to either, but it is doable.