If I’m not mistaken, that barrel is free-floated. Does Cheyenne notice any decrease in accuracy / change in its point-of-aim by using that particular grip? Or does the carbon fiber sleeve alleviate those concerns?
From my experience with a carbon fiber wrapped barrels: they are extremely rigid, so pressure on the doesn’t change point of impact much. Further, most rimfire competitions are at 10 to 25 yards and against sizable targets — control over the gun and pointing it fast count for more than precision.
Alright, stupid question time.
If I’m not mistaken, that barrel is free-floated. Does Cheyenne notice any decrease in accuracy / change in its point-of-aim by using that particular grip? Or does the carbon fiber sleeve alleviate those concerns?
From my experience with a carbon fiber wrapped barrels: they are extremely rigid, so pressure on the doesn’t change point of impact much. Further, most rimfire competitions are at 10 to 25 yards and against sizable targets — control over the gun and pointing it fast count for more than precision.
Shiny, thanks.
Interesting grip. What is the reason for using it in place of the conventional one?
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What’s that mag pouch on her belt? Would love one for my 22.