.45-70 was so defunct in the 1960s, with no new firearms chambered for it since before the war, that Marlin engineered a modern substitute in the .444.
It wasn’t until the introduction of the 1895 in the early ’70s, and then the rise of long-range side matches in SASS, that the .45-70 made a resurgence.
Of great curiosity to me is how so many of the 19th century firearms and rounds have stood the test of time. The .45-70 is only one of several that are still in common use. When you count the wide spread use of pre civil war and civil war muzzle loaders in hunting and target shooting. The fact that weapons like the Henry, the Colt SAA, the Trapdoor, along with dozens of others. All of these weapons still in production with the original black powder ammunition. I have to ask: Could the aluminium and plastic .22 that is so popular in some groups today have even a fraction of the staying power? Pardon any typo’s . It’s chemo week and I’m a bit fuzzy. thanks.
.45-70 was so defunct in the 1960s, with no new firearms chambered for it since before the war, that Marlin engineered a modern substitute in the .444.
It wasn’t until the introduction of the 1895 in the early ’70s, and then the rise of long-range side matches in SASS, that the .45-70 made a resurgence.
I’m sure you’ve envisioned her as Harriot Tubman.
Of great curiosity to me is how so many of the 19th century firearms and rounds have stood the test of time. The .45-70 is only one of several that are still in common use. When you count the wide spread use of pre civil war and civil war muzzle loaders in hunting and target shooting. The fact that weapons like the Henry, the Colt SAA, the Trapdoor, along with dozens of others. All of these weapons still in production with the original black powder ammunition. I have to ask: Could the aluminium and plastic .22 that is so popular in some groups today have even a fraction of the staying power? Pardon any typo’s . It’s chemo week and I’m a bit fuzzy. thanks.