Monthly Archives: June 2024

Cigar smoker.

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Posted in interesting people | Tagged | Comments Off on Skateboards.

Violin player.

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Bright eyes in low light.

Sigma 50/1.4 lens may be both heavy and expensive, but it performs very well in extremely low light.

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Border conflict among grackles.

Posted in beast, nature | Tagged | Comments Off on Border conflict among grackles.

“My, what big eyes you have!”

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Jeff, freedom fighter

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Bright sari.

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Tattoo coverup

A friend came over to get picture of a successful coverup of a bad old tattoo with fresh ink.

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Wise yet playful.

Posted in interesting people, portrait | Comments Off on Wise yet playful.

A formidable man…and his pet predator.

Posted in cat, interesting people, portrait | Comments Off on A formidable man…and his pet predator.

A Houston teenager

Posted in interesting people, portrait | Tagged | Comments Off on A Houston teenager