“I just want my M14!”

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13 Responses to “I just want my M14!”

  1. Richard Holbeck says:

    The M-14 was the successor to the M-1 Garand. With a 20 round detachable box magazine, .308 (7.62×51 Nato) and borrowing the Garand mechanism design, it was reliable and still powerful. The M-16 (AR-15) was an alternative basic firearm for the troops. Unfortunately, they chose to use M-14 powder to manufacture the M-16 ammunition. That cost saving caused fouling in the M-16. Penny pinching caused the problems in Vietnam. The engineers knew better but the politicians wouldn’t listen. I LOVE MY M1A SCOUT (SOCOM) RIFLE.

  2. PavePusher says:

    Oh my……

    • Alex says:

      ….well guys!!
      For once I’m willing to leave you the girl and get the gun. I know exactly whst that one does at a mile!!!
      The gal can’t compete…..

  3. Scott McClelland says:

    That girl brings a load.

  4. Alex says:

    BTW did anybody notice she’s wearing antiglare stockings?
    ….a true professional.

    • Red says:

      I always find the observations of clothing or lack thereof amusing. Heck Oleg & I broke the Internet with the pink camisole under a suit with a matching revolver.

  5. Paos says:

    Girl, what girl,?

  6. LarryArnold says:


    So she’s holding an M1-A, given the lack of a bayonet lug, and wishing for a real select-fire M-14? All the rifles I saw with the select-fire switch attached had the E-2 stock with the clunky pistol grip.

  7. Ray says:

    The standard M1956 web ammunition pouch will hold 3 20 round M-14 magazines for a total of 60 rounds to the pouch. That same pouch will hold nine M-1 Garand clips, for a total of 72 rounds per pouch. Photos of the first of the 22 Infantry show them still training with WW2 small arms(M1 Garands) as late as winter 1963. They got the M16A1 in summer 1966 just before shipping for Vietnam. Most of the Regular US Armed forces never got the M14 at all. The NG and reserve kept the Garands, Carbines and M1919’s until the early 70’s. The Ky. Guard kept the Garand’s until 1976. For a legend the M-4 saw les service than the 30-40 Krag

  8. Ray says:

    that was supposed to read m-14 on that last line

  9. Bob G. says:

    One place the M-14s went was to the Fleet! I was on USS RENTZ (FFG-46) in the mid-1980s, and we had 1911s, M-14s (some with the fun switch), Mossberg 500s, M-79s and M-60s in the ship’s armory. I have a pic of me somewhere in the South China Sea, standing on the frigate’s flight deck, with a select-fire M-14, shortly after a mag of full-auto 7.62 NATO. I was pausing while a Soviet “Bear” bomber did a low pass overhead. Fun times.

    • Ray says:

      My uncle was onboard DD868 in 1967-68 or 69. They still had M-1s , BAR’s and 1911 side arms. We went to an open house and toured the ship, Thanksgiving 1968 and I remember that the SP’s on shore had revolvers.

  10. LarryArnold says:

    I carried the M-14 during ROTC Summer Camp, Ft. Sill 1968, and the recruit Basic Combat Training unit had them when I was training officer in 1970.

    The only time I saw the M-14/M-14-E2 live in active service was when I was assigned to the 197th Infantry Brigade at Ft. Benning. We spent most of our field time as aggressors for the Infantry Officer Basic and Ranger School, though there were a couple of memorable Saturdays we broke out bayonets (with scabbards) and did riot control training.

    At the time, c 1970, most of the troops were short-timers back from Vietnam. The joke was the next time we officers saw them at a riot, they would likely be on the other side.

    In Ranger School we had M-16s and M-60s, as we did in Vietnam by 1971.

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