One major advantage of AR15 platform is the number of calibers and configurations that all share the same manual of arms. At first glance, MKA1919 appears to be another AR15, but appearances are deceiving. Internally, this 12ga shotgun is most similar to Remington 1100 converted to box magazines.
It’s a piston driven gas-operated semi-auto shotgun. It shares the right-hand side charging handle with the 1100 but the rest of the controls are all AR. Standard magazines hold 5 rounds and can be inserted easily with the closed bolt. 10-round magazines are coming soon. The entire shotgun weighs only 6.5 pounds, so it can be held on target with one hand during a reload. Sights are optimized for slugs and buckshot — for wing-shooting, I’d suggest a folding rear sight an EOTech, Trijicon Reflex or similar red dot with a wide field of view. The carry handle is removable and I would recommend a ghost ring flip-up sight instead. Custom versions seen at SHOT show have rails and folding, telescoping stocks.
This design fixes my main complaint about shotguns: slow and awkward loading. With box magazines, changing ammunition types is quick and reloading takes very little manual dexterity. The pouch shown holds up to seven 5-round magazines, giving 35-round loadout in a compact configuration.
The other advantage is the low muzzle rise and relatively mild recoil for such a light shotgun. 6.5lbs might be a bit on the light side, but optics, sight/laser and ammunition add to it, so the gun in fighting trip ends up at 8-9lbs.
For a person who is an AR15 user, not having to re-learn between guns can be valuable. And it gives the option to throw 400-450 grains at a time instead of 55-62. Shown with 2.75″ magazines, this gun also works with 3″ magazines. Cylinder bore choke is installed, others (including rifled) are available. I’ll post the range report soon.
Buckshot and interesting looking slugs – Rio. Sheepdog patch – Milspec Monkey.
(почесав бороду)
Не вдаваясь в работоспособность всей системы, отмечу – магазины явно нежизнеспособны.
Учитывая вес снаряженного с толщиной металла на стенке магазина – ронять нельзя ни в коем случае, согнёт или обломит край.
Interesting. Wonder how durable it is?
только рукоятка взведения “не на месте”, а все остальные органы управления оружием действительно симилар![🙂](
His grip on the forestock/handguard looks awkward. Is there a special reason for that? I’ve never seen that style before. Please enlighten me.
Common with rifle shooters for short-range — keeps muzzle from rising on recoil. See “Magpul AFG”.
Thanks. Guess I need to spring for those DVD’s one of these days. Things have sure changed since Drill Seargent Smith ran us through rifle marksmanship at the Ft. Polk School for Wayward Boys.
The guy pictures was a Marine rifle instructor. He does shoot the way you were taught — at long ranges. Up close, rate of fire becomes more important than precision — and with a shotgun even more so.
Yup. I haven’t played with that gun, obviously, but shotguns like to move up.. and my experiences with the heavier loaded AR platform guns (308, etc) tells me that AR types _also_ like to move up. The two together is asking for a LOT of muzzle rise.. and that handover move helps, a lot, with that.
Nice pics Oleg.
Another review and discussion of mka1919 with Tony from Tromix.
А что за тапочки? Производителя не подскажете?
Similar manual of arms is a very important concept.
Years ago I saw a guy at our club who had a privately owned HK USP9f, though his issued handgun was an HK P8. An accident waiting to happen if you know the safeties on both pistols work opposite ways.
I try to keep my guns as similar as possible. Whatever drills I practise with one gun will also work with the other. Mag releases and slide stops are all in the same place.
Who hasn’t tried to push the clutch pedal after switching to a car with automatic transmission?
One thing to keep in mind with plastic hulled shells and springloaded box mags is that eventually, if you leave the mag loaded long enough, the hull can deform and fail to chamber. Friends have seen this with their Saigas.
I had the same concern and it is valid with Saigas (which is why I like drums for them) but apparently not with MKA1919. The spring pressure in the 5-rounders is so much less than with Saiga mags that the deformation isn’t an issue.
I don’t find this to be true. I’ve left several Saiga mags loaded –from 5 to 12 round mags– for months, and found no significant deformation of shells in a loaded mag.
The only time I’ve found deformation to be a problem is when the mag is loaded against a closed bolt. Even then it’s only a problem with the top round and with certain brands of ammo. It’s generally not a problem with slugs. With buckshot, some brands are easily deformed and will not feed; others may have some slight but visible deformation and will still feed (e.g., I’ve had good luck with Remington 00 Buck, and failure to feed with “military” buckshot).
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Hi Oleg,
Just a minor nitpick; you captioned the magpouch pic with, ” The pouch shown holds up to seven 5-round magazines, giving 42-round loadout in a compact configuration”. However, seven x five equals 35 rather than 42 (rounds). Love your photo work.