Today, is a special day for me, it’s the 23rd anniversary of coming to the United States. Was a pretty good day, mostly spent taking photos of Remington shotguns, tactical and sniper rifles for several magazines. Good weather, a range in the middle of a huge farm in Kentucky, what’s more to ask of a job? While there got inquiries for one definite and one probable contracts to do more ads, photography and writing.
On the way home confirmed that a Tavor is coming my way in June.
Went by my local gun store and found that my re-birthday presents arrived, one for me and one for my inner child. I will post photos shortly, swamped with short deadlines right now. Mark II is a lot like my Mossberg 144 in intent but much lighter and shorter and handier, will be even better for introducing new shooters. Rascal…very nice wood and sights. And, quite amazingly for a kids rifle, an Accu-trigger! I have a feeling that will be a great deal of fun to wring out. I have several bricks of Aguila rifle match and CCI Subsonic on hand and lots more on order. Coming soon, a five-way kids rifle shoot-off between Crickett, Hanry Mini bolt, TC Hot Shot, Savage Rascal and Remington rolling block #6 from 1902!
Sat down to dinner with friends, then went back to work. It’s good to be healthy, happy, busy and surrounded by many friends. US is a better country than I hoped in 1989 and also a worse country in some ways. Despite the occasional smell of Communism and the increasingly frequent clacking of the jackboots, it’s still a good place to live.
Happy Re-Birthday! We are still glad to have you!
I am unbelievably glad you’re here Oleg. You celebrate freedom in a way I wish that other Americans would.
I thank you for all the work you’ve done and look forward to seeing you again.
Oleg, I thoroughly enjoy your work. If I ever get out to SHOT, I’d like the opportunity to say howdy and shake your hand.
Welcome again!
Happy anniversary.
I PCS’d from Germany back state-side in ’89 (Jan). It just weren’t 23 years ago.
Oleg, congratulations. It’s a pleasure having you with us.
Happy Arrival Day!
I’m really glad you’re here Oleg! We are fortunate to have you in this country.
Oleg, your prescence in this country is truly a blessing. People such as yourself, who have lived under the yoke of totalitarianism, are witnesses to the horrors of repressive political systems. Americans, in general, have been made ignorant of history on purpose. I believe it’s important for you to continue speaking out, to be a voice of truth. Please keep up the good work.
Happy anniversary! We’re glad you came. I know that its 23 years late, but, “Welcome Home.” have me by 3 years in US. lol.
We’re very lucky to have you here, Oleg.
Congratulations! I came here a few years earlier, but didn’t have to escape the sort of government you dealt with. And yes, your description of what’s right (and not so right) here rings true. And also: I agree with several others who credited your work in helping keep the USA what it is supposed to be.
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
Congratulations :). America is distinctly improved by your presence.
Very glad you’re here with us, living the dream and helping to keep it alive by keeping others informed!
Also, how in the name of *%$#@!!! did you get a Tavor?!? I want one so bad I can taste it!
I don’t have a Tavor and won’t have it for another month. The Israel Army made me their honorary designated marksman, so I am getting that and an IMI Galatz.
We have never met or corresponded, but welcome to America. You sound like a good guy, and you can be on our team anytime.
I visit your site periodically and you have interesting things there… Nice Job