My photos in Russia again.

A show of my photos as a part of Right to Arms presentation called “My home is my castle” in Tula, Russia. Tula was long the center of gun production there, so importing gun posters has a Coals to Newcastle ring to it.

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6 Responses to My photos in Russia again.

  1. SiGraybeard says:

    As an expatriate, it must be gratifying to see your work help bring freedom there.


  2. LarryArnold says:

    Way cool. And it’s young people.

  3. millerized says:

    Wow…They sure have some thin women over there 😉

  4. Tony Lekas says:

    Hey – That’s my wife’s Raspberry Ruger LCP! 🙂

    And yes – Any of those people look like they could be good models for you.

  5. Paul Koning says:

    Are they really that thin, or did you do some anisotropic scaling on the image?

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