Got to see Mr. Dragon Leather on my last visit to Knoxville. Picked up a new pocket holster for PF9 with .22 conversion kit and Laserlyte laser (photos soon) — it’s so beautifully made, I wonder how I would be able to stand concealing it…
308 main gun (Vepr, again) and 45ACP backup seem like a pretty reasonable combo. Photo taken at Wolf Arms.
Dennis may be pretty, but EVERYONE knows Becca is the brains of the outfit….(grin)
he looks good. looks like leaving New York might have reduced his stress levels a hair.
He makes beautiful holsters and he is a very nice guy too!
.45 ACP is almost useless against foes in body armor, I believe. Mild steel cored 10mm auto should go through kevlar vests like they weren’t there..