Concealed carry shorts

Undertech concealment shorts — like a wearable IWB holster. Plus: very concealable. Minus: doesn’t stay open when empty, so re-holstering is more difficult. Drawing is simple but requires a pretty long reach and careful muzzle control to avoid covering self or others.

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12 Responses to Concealed carry shorts

  1. John Bernard Books says:

    The pistol is in the wrong pocket facing the wrong way. It would be much easier if done correctly IMO.

  2. millerized says:

    Looks like the pocket would be better suited in the center and small of the back? The side and side pocket seem to be filling a requirement that doesn’t exist. Central pocket on the back would do much better.

    Oh, and nice ‘rear’ view.

  3. Pingback: Concealed carry shorts | The Gun Feed

  4. Paul Koning says:

    No version of these for men, eh? I wonder why; the concept seems to be applicable.

  5. David Gross says:

    Thunderware in reverse.
    If George Zimmerman had these, he’d be concussed and/or dead.
    Depending on climate, there’ll be too many layers of clothing to get through.
    With all due respect, I think that the word “gimmick” applies.
    Chacqun a son gout.

    • Oleg Volk says:

      I prefer strong side carry for myself. Somebody might like this better — I just post the photos and let the viewers decide.

  6. Spritom says:

    Looking at the photo with the model, I’m not buying that for a few reasons.

    The awkwardness comes from the length of reach for one’s arm to reach the stock to properly grip the gun. For a minority of people, it can be a stretch to reach a gun at a 5 o’clock position with the right hand when the gun is positioned the correct way with the butt pointed toward the left side of the body for a right-handed person. It’s about 2-3 inches further to reach.

    For most all people I train, they are able to reach the 5 o’clock position the correct way with practice. Only in exception cases of physical disability is this not the case in which another position of carry is strongly recommended to stay safe.

    Positioning the gun the wrong way with the butt pointed toward the right side of the body for a right-handed person creates a dangerous situation during the presentation from the holster in which the muzzle of the gun naturally points in at the lower torso of the person. In case after case in class, people that carry backwards, I’ve asked them to show me with an unloaded gun and every time they point the gun at themselves during the presentation.

    It’s not a Suggestion #2 violation.
    It’s a Rule #2 violation.

    Third, presenting the firearm from a wrong-way position takes longer and is more complex. One must institute a twist during the presentation itself. Furthermore, in order to not point the gun at oneself during the presentation from a wrong way position, it would involve swinging the muzzle of the gun out and away from the body. This is a second extra step of this type of presentation, but it’s also the step that people routinely do not do and violate Rule #2.

    Fourth and Fifth involve the photo and the model itself and not routine practice.

    Fourth is that this is a photoshoot. Not actual combat conditions. For a model/photoshoot, doing something that feels awkward the first few times is part of being a model. A model is rarely a seasoned veteran at the action and the work of modeling does involve a bit awkwardness only until:
    * the photoshoot ends
    * the model practices to the point of competence to do it the right way.
    With your extensive portfolio and wonderfully creative photos, I would have expected this to already be known.

    Fifth is that the model is doing a right-handed presentation and carrying in a 7 o’clock position, which is not something that is done for a right-hander.

    As such, the model is more than limber enough to carry in the 5 o’clock position for a right-hander the right way and present from the holster without any awkwardness at all.

    Carrying in a 7 o’clock position is done for left-handed persons, and given the extreme limberness that the model is already exhibiting with the right hand, it would be easily assumed that the left arm would be similarly limber and the model should be able to present the right way using the left hand.

    Next, given the nature of this blog that has done such a good job of explaining some of the best practices including the post previous to this one of proper ways of thigh carry, I’m surprised that an incorrect method is shown for SOB-style carry.

    Last, if a holstermaker was not understanding of safety issues of holster presentations along with human ergonomics, I would not be expecting to shop from such a holstermaker. However, the holster web site shows correct forms of positioning and also has many links to training where a person can learn correct and safe ways to present.

    It takes little training to do it right. And John is correct, it is easier to do it right.

    • David Gross says:

      You said it all. Thanks.

    • Will says:

      Factors you overlooked are arm length, and torso length and girth.

      I don’t have one of these, but simulating the location of the gun grip in the “proper” pocket, with the “correct” orientation, I find I could grip a gun, but not draw it any higher than it sits. My arm is locked in that position. A reverse (Calvary) grip affords a little bit more vertical movement, but probably not enough to clear the pocket.
      The way the model is using it, is most likely the only viable way for me to use it, also.
      I’m 5’6″, 120 lbs, male.

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