Adding value right before our eyes

Start with a thin wooden board or a piece of laminate.

End with a pair of high-quality sculpted grips.


Offer a choice of colors and patterns.

This is what capitalism is all about: combining “surplus” capital with time and expertise to create excellent — and widely affordable — products. A single artisan is usually less cost-efficient, and a government-run manufacturer wouldn’t care about pleasing the customers.

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3 Responses to Adding value right before our eyes

  1. Sammy says:

    Wood grips are so good looking. It’s sad how the switch to polymer pistols has widely phased them out.

  2. Rob Weaver says:

    Did a CNC router make these? Are there route programs available for more different grips? I could set up something like this at my farm in TN (once I get moved) and have a nice little retirement business…

  3. anonymous says:

    “This is what capitalism is all about: combining “surplus” capital with time and expertise to create excellent — and widely affordable — products. “

    Uh, no. Capitalism is an economic system in which the means of production are privately owned with the goal of making profits. Nothing more, nothing less.

    If the end result is excellent and widely affordable products, great. But if it’s probitable to produce shoddy products, or products unaffordable except for a few, or commit fraud, businesses will do so.

    There is nothing magical about capitalism, any more than there is about socialism or whatever. And there are plenty of companies that don’t care about pleasing cusotmers, but manage to stay in business.

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