For my Polish friends

Where are citizens trusted more?

Where are citizens trusted more?

The rights of Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonbians, Czechs and Moldovans to go armed for self-protection are respected. The rights of Poles aren’t.

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8 Responses to For my Polish friends

  1. Meredith L. Patterson says:

    Awesome, and reminds me that I need to visit the Baltics again sometime soon. The rights of Belgians aren’t respected either.

  2. KE says:

    The message is good, however, in my personal opinion, the photo could be confusing for people who are not familiar with firearms or RKBA. Non-shooters will look at that photo for several moments and wonder what they are looking at. I humbly suggest another version of this, leaving out any ambiguity in terms of the visual impact.

  3. Андрей says:

    Так в Польше короткоствольное нельзя? А я думал можно…

  4. Андрей says:

    Эх Олег, что же вы из Livejournal ушли? Там комментарии были интереснее, а здесь их мало!))) Интересно было! Скоро придется говорить: “Хорошие были времена!”)))

    • Oleg Volk says:

      Люди жаловались на рекламы в ЖЖ (я её не видел, использую Adblock), вот и перешёл. А комментарии можно и здесь оставлять…разве труднее?

  5. Maurice says:

    The main problem in Poland is the authorities’ attitude towards their own citizens. Government* just don’t trust it’s own citizens and what’s even worse the police force conceive all citizens outside their ranks as potential opponents and cop killers ready to shoot policemen on the first possible occasion. This isn’t neither joke nor exaggeration. Such paranoid view is the communist times legacy. Back then communist authorities were afraid of a ‘counter-revolutionary’ anti-communist movement so firearms were reserved only for the trustworthy regime members and supporters. Such viewpoint somehow got preserved in modern Poland and the police do everything in their might to cut off citizens from firearms ownership. Even professional sportsmen (e.g. biathletes) have major problems to get firearm license to own .22 caliber sport firearms due to the police objection. It doesn’t mean literally nobody owns firearms in Poland. Criminals do. And I don’t mean illegal black market weaponry. Many organized crime members have gun licenses (very exclusive concealed carry ones) quite officially. This is how police ‘pay’ them for being personal information sources within criminal underworld. Of course sometimes these firearms are used in clashes between rival criminal groups. But who cares. Police are always right. So if a law-obedient Polish citizen wants to legally posses a firearm should one seriously consider moving to a neighbouring Czech Republic and obtaining a citizenship in this normal democratic country.
    Thanks for the effort!
    * Poland (contrary to the USA for instance) is a unitary country which means there is only one central government (being both executive and in some areas legislative branch of power), one all-country police force and a unitary judiciary/law system based on a statutory law (no precedents).

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