Category Archives: interesting people

One of many friendly people I met in Slovakia

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Father and son, quality time

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My poor friend Terry.

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Portraits of serious men.

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Small Person Blue

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Angel Kim in Nashville.

Posted in interesting people, pistol, portrait, rifle, sound suppressor, Uncategorized, weapon | 1 Comment

Libertycon 2022 portraits

Posted in interesting people, portrait | 1 Comment

Old photos, new edits.

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Two sides of Angel Kim

Cute, harmless, and smiley… And a slightly harder edge…

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Green dress

Posted in interesting people, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

On his way to the top.

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Late Jeff Quinn

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Boy’s first Christmas

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Good smiles

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Rapt reader.

Posted in book, interesting people | Tagged | 3 Comments

Pretty is as pretty does.

Posted in interesting people, portrait, rifle, weapon | 3 Comments


It’s all fun and games until people who didn’t want to be involved are forced to participate. Then it’s game over for the original participants.

Posted in interesting people, rkba, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Catching up on gun handling and marksmanship

Posted in interesting people, rifle, training, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , | 2 Comments