Tag Archives: flintlock

Project Appleseed

Project Appleseed has long been the go-to for rifle marksmanship training. They are now gradually phasing in handgun marksmanship training. Rifle instruction remains top-notch. Historic education is addressed through lectures and reenactors. The training benefits young and old, newbie and … Continue reading

Posted in pistol, rifle, training | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Flinty eyed.

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A good question.

And the answers vary from “criminal intentions” to “treason”. Or well-meaning stupidity of such magnitude as to preclude a successful election campaign…so very unlikely.

Posted in civil rights, interesting people, rifle, rkba, self-defense, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

On the importance of eye protection

The risk to the boy’s vision, above, is pretty obvious. The cock of the gunlock blocks some of the debris from reaching the right eye, but the left eye is unprotected. While blinking offers some protection to the eyeballs, our … Continue reading

Posted in rifle, rkba, weapon | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Technical clarification

Both Pennsylvania rifle and AR15 were used for hunting in advance of combative use. AR15 was sold to civilians from 1963, a year before the Army adopted it for special operations. Both were much lower in power than typical hunting or military … Continue reading

Posted in ammunition, rifle, weapon | Tagged , , | 21 Comments

Brown Bess and another surly wench

Posted in shotgun, weapon | Tagged , , | 5 Comments

Brown Bess, the movie

Posted in interesting people, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , | 8 Comments

Not one of Garibaldi’s boys

Posted in humor, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

Keeping powder dry

As expected, firing flintlocks in a drizzle isn’t a very productive activity. Many misfires. Last year’s visit to Boston also reminded me that Massachusetts’ gun laws have become significantly more oppressive since 1775. The much-maligned British Crown cared less about … Continue reading

Posted in rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , | 6 Comments