Category Archives: portrait

My barber Jerry

In his sixty years, Jerry has never been a fan of his portraits. The first picture I took of him illustrated his attitude towards the process quite clearly. A few minutes later, he was in a better mood for pictures. … Continue reading

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(One) light stand, self-propelled, voice-directed.

Including spouses or significant others in the photo shoot usually improves the results. People often relax better, and there’s always the option of asking the helpers to elicit a mood or a particular emotion from the model.

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Summer dreams.

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One of many friendly people I met in Slovakia

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The multi-purpose pearls.

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Portraits of serious men.

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Enjoying spring weather

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Small Person Blue

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Angel Kim in Nashville.

Posted in interesting people, pistol, portrait, rifle, sound suppressor, Uncategorized, weapon | 1 Comment

Libertycon 2022 portraits

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Old photos, new edits.

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A toss of the hair

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On his way to the top.

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Late Jeff Quinn

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Boy’s first Christmas

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Good smiles

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