Category Archives: Uncategorized

A good question.

And the answers vary from “criminal intentions” to “treason”. Or well-meaning stupidity of such magnitude as to preclude a successful election campaign…so very unlikely.

Posted in civil rights, interesting people, rifle, rkba, self-defense, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

On gas prices

Typically, price of gas reflects the expected restocking costs. If a station sells gas for 2.20 but has to re-stock at 2.40, they lose money. Moreover, rising prices are generally a problem for gas stations, not a boon. Gasoline is … Continue reading

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The big and the small

Accuracy International in .338 Lapua Magnum in the hands of a veteran…and Crickett Precision Rifle in .22LR in the hands of the next generation of marksmen.

Posted in interesting people, rifle, training, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment

Civilized social intercourse over gunfire

First date included a little 75 to 100 yard plinking with a custom fast-twist Volquartsen rifle. Neither of them missed much, supported further out or offhand at 50 yards. The now-discontinued Gemtech G5-22 mimicked a centerfire suppressor in size, so … Continue reading

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Sunjack 14W Solar Charger: new on AllOutdoor

Energy independence while away from household power.

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SHOT Show 2017 Finds: new on AllOutdoor

Useful, notable and curious guns and accessories.

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Kel-Tec SU22: new on AllOutdoor

A forgotten gem.

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Review of Riton 2-7x Scope: new on AllOutdoor

An inexpensive optic with useful features.

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“And don’t forget to smile!”

One of my closest friends wraps up her voice mail greeting with that advice. Americans are often accused of smiling too much in public. Considering that most foreigners see mainly Americans on vacations, that’s a skewed sample, but even at … Continue reading

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Two feet, zero inches

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Firearms Training in Nashville: highly recommended!

Tatiana Whitlock, one of the best self-defense instructors I know, is coming to Nashville mid-September! She will be offering several courses. Carry with Confidence (pistol) Basic Carbine Tatiana is an absolutely amazing instructor, both supportive and good at guiding the learners … Continue reading

Posted in pistol, rifle, rkba, self-defense, training, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged | 1 Comment

Protect hearing without overheating your head: new on AllOutdoor

GunSport Pro electronic ear plugs.

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A new domain name obtained

On reflection, I decided to separate firearms and politics from other parts of my site. I just need to remember how to set up another WordPress blog on the same server but with a different identity…

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FB is as usual.

FB claims they blocked me for 24 hours for posting something with nudity. My guess they couldn’t deal with this. That definitely confirms the need to post most of my work on a server I control and only use FB … Continue reading

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Blocking of roads by protestors

If I were betting, I’d think we will see the same happening on election day this year. While it would inconvenience all sides, we already know that logic isn’t part of the game.

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Terminology is important

Sturmgewehr 44, the historic “assault rifle”, was a general purpose military weapon, moderately good in several roles but specialized for none. The name was an attempt to make wishful thinking become reality by raising troop morale. Since the generic term “assault rifle” … Continue reading

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Training new shooters

Four years ago, I did a photo shoot with Ariel, 16 at the time. While she was quite convincing with a variety of arms, she didn’t actually know how to use them. We decided to remedy that shortcoming. She was … Continue reading

Posted in ammunition, rifle, training, Uncategorized | Tagged , , | 3 Comments

The real reason for shooting back

In military actions prior to the Crimean War, the ratio of dead to wounded was usually around 1:1. After the 1850s, medical corps were formed and more of the wounded survived. By WW2, 1:2 ratio was common, and modern US … Continue reading

Posted in holster, pistol, rifle, rkba, self-defense, shotgun, training, Uncategorized, weapon | 18 Comments

Rocket’s red glare?

Quest for fire. Water park of Lilliput. Red Icee. Finger food. Each successful Independence Day celebration brings out more kids. Some of my friends are taking self-replication seriously.

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A dear friend needs help!

I want to introduce my friend Dawn Faust Bibby. She and her husband of John have been my close friends and staunch supporters since 2013. We met when John replied to a request for models during my work at Kel-Tec in Florida. Since then … Continue reading

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