Category Archives: rkba

Safety rules, now in Italian

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On the importance of eye protection

The risk to the boy’s vision, above, is pretty obvious. The cock of the gunlock blocks some of the debris from reaching the right eye, but the left eye is unprotected. While blinking offers some protection to the eyeballs, our … Continue reading

Posted in rifle, rkba, weapon | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Once an object of desire…

…until the first time I tried it. Turned out, Beretta 12S is an ergonomic nightmare, with badly designed sights and safety. The back-pressure from the sound suppressor also threw gunk into the user’s face from the ejection port. Had submachine … Continue reading

Posted in rkba, sound suppressor, weapon | Tagged , | 8 Comments

Classic vs. modern

Keystone 722 Youth, bolt action with iron sights. Keltec SU22E with a Vortex red dot.

Posted in rkba, training, weapon | Tagged | 2 Comments

Self-identification matters

I identify as an American. My Thompson identifies as a Chicago typewriter. It’s a First Amendment matter now.

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This is why gun ownership remains a political controversy

All other concerns — hunting, sport, even self-defense — are secondary considerations to people who do not wish to be ruled…and to the fiends whose self-worth depends on ruling others.

Posted in rifle, rkba, weapon | Tagged , , | 22 Comments

Fighting doesn’t guarantee either victory or survival.

But inability to fight pretty much guarantees extinction or subjugation. “The Last Jew in Vinnytsia” history. A typical American Jew is a little harder to victimize: The same applies to other ethnic, religious, and behavioural minorities.  

Posted in rifle, rkba, self-defense, training, weapon | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving!

Living in America is an awesome boon. Some of us paid for it, others had parents or more distant ancestors do the work for us. Either way, it’s worth celebrating. While this country has better parts and worse, there’s no … Continue reading

Posted in interesting people, rifle, rkba | Tagged , | 5 Comments

A true sign of an effete civilization…

…is the reluctance to initiate warfare, rapine and bloody mayhem, like true servants of benevolent gods do. Instead, we wait, like little scared bitches, for others to start the fight so that we can end it without guilt.

Posted in humor, rifle, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , | 1 Comment

Automatic vs. Semi-Auto: new on Alloutdoor

How government regulations retard progress.

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Road blocked ahead by trash?

I’ve brought a broom.

Posted in humor, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments


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Second Amendment for new arrivals

Even though I knew of private gun ownership when I first came to the United States, there was still an emotional disconnect between seeing others own guns and realizing that my parents could. For people from even less RKBA friendly countries … Continue reading

Posted in rifle, rkba, self-defense, sound suppressor, weapon | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Spotting anti-gun propaganda

Just saw a link to an animation featuring sheriff’s kid shooting dad with a visibly unloaded Winchester rifle. The hammer on the safely carried rifle is shown in the uncocked position, followed immediately by the accidental shooting. People who are … Continue reading

Posted in rifle, rkba, weapon | Tagged | 5 Comments

Realistic Live Fire Training at Troy’s Gate: new on AllOutdoor

An innovative and effective method for learning to think under stress.

Posted in rkba, self-defense, training, weapon | Tagged | 1 Comment

“Peaceful” should not mean “defenseless” (in Armenian)

(With thanks to Hrachya H. for the translation.)

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“No guns” postings on restaurant doors

I would estimate that half of Nashville restaurants have no carry signs. I am curious how they can afford to turn away a substantial portion of potential customers, both those who carry and those in the same group with them? … Continue reading

Posted in advice requested, rkba | 36 Comments

Firearms Training in Nashville: highly recommended!

Tatiana Whitlock, one of the best self-defense instructors I know, is coming to Nashville mid-September! She will be offering several courses. Carry with Confidence (pistol) Basic Carbine Tatiana is an absolutely amazing instructor, both supportive and good at guiding the learners … Continue reading

Posted in pistol, rifle, rkba, self-defense, training, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged | 1 Comment

“Federal law prohibits….”

For all the jackboot lickers who insist that laws are morality and must be followed, I submit this exhibit: The same exhibit illustrates just how common ingredients for weapons are. Humans have been making serviceable weapons since before Paleolith, and … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, rkba, weapon | Tagged , , , | 20 Comments

Some girls get excited by gold and diamonds…

…others, by steel, brass and lead. Which would make a better teammate? “Сама не летает и другим не даёт.”

Posted in interesting people, rkba, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , | 14 Comments