Tag Archives: history

Research assistant needed

A very close friend, a college professor, is looking for assistance with a research project. He’s looking for a student (high school or college) studying international affairs, or US history/government, or Eastern European or Russian history, or archival/librarian study, etc. and … Continue reading

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Maschinengewehr 42

A little carbine got him the buzzsaw. Fun to run, less fun to carry. Much harder on the ears.

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Technical clarification

Both Pennsylvania rifle and AR15 were used for hunting in advance of combative use. AR15 was sold to civilians from 1963, a year before the Army adopted it for special operations. Both were much lower in power than typical hunting or military … Continue reading

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The Free State of Jones, movie review

I was pleasantly surprised by how well this film was done. Historic accuracy, near as I can judge, is pretty reasonable. Props, accents, details also seem fairly decent. Plot: 4/5 Acting: 4/5 Both are just a little flat, but I … Continue reading

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The dirty air of yesteryear

It’s hard to make photographic masterpieces like those of Fan Ho. Besides the amazing eye he had for composition and light, three technical factors gave his images the characteristic glow. Two of them, the imperfect lens coatings and orthochromatic film, are … Continue reading

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Waiting patiently

Czech vz24 Mauser, 8mm.

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“Get weapons of war off the streets!”

The title is a typical rallying cry of anti-freedom politicians. We know they are lying. But let’s pretend, just for a moment, that they aren’t. If they really mean to restrict only weapons of war, then we are looking at one of two … Continue reading

Posted in pistol, rifle, rkba, self-defense, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , , , , , | 16 Comments

Alternative history

Looking at alt.history genre, I wonder if anyone has ever done the 1973 Arab-Israeli War as the bifurcation point. It is plausible that Israel would have gone down fighting, as the reserves of territory were quite thin at one point. Slightly … Continue reading

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Frog Lube for French Resistance

Contrary to my original understanding of Europe, some countries there have a substantial amount of privately held guns. Unfortunately, very few of them permit defensive use. Even Switzerland has curtailed legal carry, leaving Czechia, Estonia, Lithuania, Moldova and possibly some … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, rkba, self-defense, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , | 13 Comments

Attention, Nashville WW2 reenactors!

January 25-26, I will be working with Ron Norton on photos of really awesome reproductions of WW2 firearms. Who could be available to work with me in uniform? Also, if not available on those days but can work with me … Continue reading

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Film review: Ida (2013)

This recent Polish film has the strongest visuals I’ve ever seen on screen. Slow-paced, it doesn’t drag. Acting is very good, the plot is compelling and the music compliments the action perfectly. Visuals: 12/10 — every frame could be a … Continue reading

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Berthier 8x50mm rifle

Berthier rifle was a “brilliant” design that provided an en bloc alternative to the tube magazine in the 1886 Lebel. It used the same cartridge — three lousy rounds at a time compared to Lebel’s eight, but with much quicker … Continue reading

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The past is a different country.

In reading books written a long time ago, I find many details showing how attitudes evolved since. For example, in the 1917 book “Over the Top” written by Arthur Guy Empey, an American volunteer with the British army, is this … Continue reading

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Movie Review: Winter in Wartime

A Dutch WW2 movie about a family part of which helps a downed British airman, others…not so much. Well-scripted and well-acted. Plot – 9 Visuals – 7 (excellent action, good props other than people using decocked single action pistols to threaten others, … Continue reading

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A smart guy did the math

Weeks after I asked the ballistic math questions, I got this email: Was intrigued by your trig problem. Herewith my answers: 1) take distance and bearings at regular intervals, say 20 seconds apart.  (take bearing and ten seconds later take … Continue reading

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Film reviews

Our Mothers, Our Fathers (Generation War) — a German three-part movie about five friends living through 1939-1945. Acting – 9/10, including strong performances by secondary characters Visuals – 9/10, good sense of time and place Props and authenticity – 8/10, just … Continue reading

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National defense and 6th grade math

(Image from http://www.festungguernsey.supanet.com/about_us.htm) Imagine an observer with a stereoscopic rangefinder and a telephone, camouflaged on a seashore. The observer is 3km ahead of a cannon located further inland for concealment. The bearing is between the cannon and the observer is, for … Continue reading

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Film reviews

Kenau (2014), about an apocryphal hero of the real siege of Haarlem in 1572-73. Excellent visuals, good actors but spotty screenplay which comes across as genuine some of the time and as a farce at intervals. Just a slight tinge of … Continue reading

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M1867 Werndl-Holub rifle near Nashville

Does anyone near my location have access to a shootable Werndl rifle? I’d like to do photos and a short article about it.

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A Long Time Until Now: book review

I just finished reading Mike’s newest book, A Long Time Until now.  It’s a typical MZW in terms of pacing: a slow first chapter followed by rapidly accelerating pace of story-telling all the way up to the last sentence. It’s … Continue reading

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