Tag Archives: history

…and the dog returns to its vomit: Germany and its Nazi legacy.

My friend Miggy made me aware of an interesting development: a court rules the members of the least socialist of the German political parties may not own guns. A friend who is a member of that party commented: Long story: … Continue reading

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New on Steinel blog: 45-70 staying power.

Why did 45-70 endure when its contemporaries went away?

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Gentleman Jack

One of my favorite recent portraits from Dragoncon. The young lady playing this character is also a talented costume designer.

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Philosopher’s Bullet.

Amusing myself with writing vignettes. Here’s one. Constructive criticism is welcome. ———————————————————- Philosopher’s Bullet. “We can try to fight our way out with just swords in hand and die. Sixty eight men, even in better armor than the savages, won’t get … Continue reading

Posted in book, humor, weapon | Tagged , | 5 Comments

Before Olympic air guns — Zimmerstutzen: new on AllOutdoor

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A good friend, a long-time American by choice, wrote this excellent essay. I post and propagate it because my friend cannot without dire consequences to self and family from state authorities acting as employers, educators and officious busibodies. It’s sad … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, rkba, self-defense | Tagged , | 36 Comments

The impossibility of surrender

Most gun owners don’t know exactly how many guns they own. That should not be a surprise: most mechanics couldn’t tell you how many wrenches they have, either. Guns are tools, and sometimes objects of collection, sometimes heirlooms, sometimes wall … Continue reading

Posted in civil rights, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged | 15 Comments

Film Review: Rebellion

Five-part mini-series about the Easter Uprising of 1916 in Ireland. I looked it up because the director just completed The Unknown Soldier about the 1944 Continuation War. Rebellion suggests that the movie will be worth watching. Plot 5/5 Visuals 4/5 … Continue reading

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Musings on Irish independence

Ireland lost 49,000 dead in WW1. Compared to that, combined revolution and civil war casualties in the 4-6 thousand range seem like a small price to pay for staying out of WW2 on either side. While Ireland seems no better … Continue reading

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A maquisard and his nemesis.

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A good question.

And the answers vary from “criminal intentions” to “treason”. Or well-meaning stupidity of such magnitude as to preclude a successful election campaign…so very unlikely.

Posted in civil rights, interesting people, rifle, rkba, self-defense, Uncategorized, weapon | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

Girls and Boys


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Then and now

Awesome people.

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California, 25 years later

The rifle, fed with stripper clips, is actually California-legal for now. The Glock as well, with 10-round magazines. Actual defense against rioters…not so sure. Urban cops might take the side of the looters. On the plus side, it seems that … Continue reading

Posted in holster, pistol, rifle, rkba, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , | 7 Comments

On the importance of eye protection

The risk to the boy’s vision, above, is pretty obvious. The cock of the gunlock blocks some of the debris from reaching the right eye, but the left eye is unprotected. While blinking offers some protection to the eyeballs, our … Continue reading

Posted in rifle, rkba, weapon | Tagged , | 9 Comments

Statues old and new

And a littler newer, a lot more crude. Not without charm though.

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Fighting doesn’t guarantee either victory or survival.

But inability to fight pretty much guarantees extinction or subjugation. “The Last Jew in Vinnytsia” history. A typical American Jew is a little harder to victimize: The same applies to other ethnic, religious, and behavioural minorities.  

Posted in rifle, rkba, self-defense, training, weapon | Tagged , , , | 8 Comments

Ethan Allen or similar Pepperbox revolvers

Does anyone know the typical powder charges and velocity for .28, .32 or .36 caliber versions?

Posted in advice requested, ammunition, pistol, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , | 6 Comments

Werndl, Chassepot or Dreyse rifles near Nashville, TN

Does anyone have one of those rifles and be willing to let me take photos of them?

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Inland M1 carbines: new on Alloutdoor

Reproductions of WW2 models and variations on the theme.

Posted in ammunition, pistol, rifle, self-defense, weapon | Tagged , , , , , , , | 5 Comments